
> Yep.  Fix the visibility issue - there are a number of good ideas on how to
> do it, we are in a position to bang it out now IMO.

Actually, a group of us discussed this at the Code Sprint in Toronto, and came 
up with a plan which will also reduce row overhead on large tables.   I can't 
remember who was working on that though.

> >> We already have splitting queries among CPUs and machines.
> >
> > Yes, YOU do. We don't.
> Details, details - redefine "We" and it's the same thing.

Well, if you'll give us the schedule for open-sourcing MPP 2.0 ... ;-)

And actually, even incorporating very limited multi-threading of queries ... 
such as the proposal to dispatch an I/O thread for seq scans ... would help 
PostgreSQL a lot.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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