Tom Lane wrote:
Stefan Kaltenbrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Point I want to make is - all those are cool features(and might be
critical for some) but I don't think they warrant a dramatic change in
the release cycle policy ...

Any release is going to have some things that are compelling and some
that aren't, for any particular person ... it's just that those things
vary depending on who you are ...

I was heard to gripe not long ago that feature freeze during August was
bad timing.  It would be interesting to try to do it during the spring
instead, just to see if people have more free time then.  So for me,
+1 for a shorter-than-a-year cycle this time, independently of what
features make it or don't.

Well on that same vein (with a +1), I know that we lost at least 8 weeks of productivity from various vacations etc.. during the summer. When you incorporate everyone else that is involved with postgresql, I could easily see almost a full man year lost, by having freeze where it is now.

I think having a freeze more toward march/april makes a heck of a lot of sense.

Joshua D. Drake

                        regards, tom lane


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