Dave Page wrote:
> In pgAdmin we use pg_dump's -f option to write backup files. The IO
> streams are redirected to display status and errors etc. in the GUI.
> In order to enhance the interface to allow backup of entire clusters as
> well as role and tablespace definitions, we need to be able to get
> pg_dumpall to write it's output directly to a file in the same way,
> because we cannot redirect the child pg_dump IO streams (which also
> means we may miss errors, but I need to think about that some more).
> As far as I can see, adding a -f option to pg_dumpall should be straight
> forward, the only issue being that we'd need to pass pg_dump an
> additional (undocumented?) option to tell it to append to the output
> file instead of writing it as normal.
> Any thoughts or better ideas?
Use pgAdmin's "create script" funcion on the server.


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