> I don't think "all or nothing" is a good way to do this.  500
> functions in a schema called extensions isn't much more helpful than
> 500 in public.  There's a reason namespaces were invented long ago,
> and this is classic use case for same. :)

I disagree, see my post previously about initializing the extensions
schema to not be accessible initially. It would be there, it would be
loaded, but it would take a superuser to grant ability to access functions.

This allows a clean distinction between the modules while allowing their
access on a case by case basis.

>>>>> --enable-extension=earthdistance
>>>> And have to parse for each extension?
>>> I don't see this as a big problem.
>> Well I am not really interesting in this. Someone else is welcome to
>> try that.
> It's really not hard, even for a C n00b like me. :)

I didn't say it was hard. I said I wasn't interested :)


Joshua D. Drake


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