Greg Smith wrote:

Heikki's great summary helps (I think the one piece I was screwing up is covered there), and Pavan's comments adds some useful bits. The still missing part is how to make a real branch to work in, which is much easier to work with once you figure out how to do it than either using just diffs or tagging.

What would making a branch actually do for you? The only advantage I can see is that it will give you a way of checkpointing your files. As I remarked upthread, I occasionally use RCS for that. But mostly I don't actually bother. I don't see how you can do it reasonably off a local cvs mirror - rsync will just blow away any changes you have checked in next time you sync with the master.

I don't think we can make CVS behave like a distributed SCM system, and ability to create local branches seems to me one of the fundamental points of such systems. If that's what the demand is for, then we should look again at moving to something like Mercurial.



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