> ------- Original Message -------
> From: "Rohit Khare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 04/08/07, 12:58:25
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] .NET driver
> Seeing the history of PostgreSQL development, following features are
> expected in pgAdmin:

I don't see what any of these have to do with PostgreSQL history but...

> (1) Facility to insert a column in between other columns during table
> design.

PostgreSQL doesn't allow this post-creation, though the new table dialog that's 
expected in the next dev cycle will allow it pre-creation.

> (2) Facility to view relationship diagram.

E-R diagramming is being developed as a Summer of Code project. 

> (3) Facility to view table performance level graphically.

What does that mean? You can view the table details graphically as part of a 
query plan, and we're looking at plotting data distribution histograms, but I'm 
not sure that either can be defined as "performance level"

> (4) More documented interface. Example: while creating columns, few boxes
> are disabled. There is no information on-screen on how to enable them.

You usually cannot. They will be relevant to older (or newer) versions of the 

> (5) Facility to print table details (Name,DataType,Size,Constraint etc.)

We have reports that you can print.

> (6) Database Statistics (health, index details, log monitoring,
> Enable/Disable Backup/Recovery Options, Fine Tuning etc.)

Afaics, we have all of those (and have enhanced many for 1.8).

Regards, Dave

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