
Here's an updated version of the function stats patch. The biggest change is
that by default only procedural language functions are counted. The GUC variable
stats_function_level now takes 3 values: on, off and all. The latter also
counts SQL and C language functions, "on" means only to count procedural
language functions. The decision is now made in fmgr_info_cxt_security()
Trigger functions are now also counted.

Sample output:

select procname, calls, total_time, total_cpu, self_time, self_cpu
from pg_stat_user_functions order by self_cpu desc limit 5;

      procname      | calls | total_time | total_cpu | self_time | self_cpu
 next_batch         | 32765 |      27139 |      8574 |     27139 |     8574
 fetch_batch_events |  3636 |       9252 |      5622 |      3771 |     2717
 batch_event_sql    |  3636 |       5454 |      2888 |      3910 |     1962
 finish_batch       |  3420 |       3215 |      1475 |      3215 |     1475
 batch_event_tables |  3636 |       1448 |       865 |      1434 |      858
(5 rows)

This is still 8.2 only (tested on 8.2.4 and 8.2.5), has seen some production
usage here at Skype (about a month on reasonably busy boxes). So far so good.

Couple of issues:
- sometimes self_cpu > self_time - currently blaming it on Linux version of
- dropped functions are not purged from stats, might bloat the stats file for
some usage patterns.

PS. Would something like this be a canditate for 8.4 inclusion (if polished up)?


Attachment: 8.2-procstat.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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