* Brendan Jurd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [071024 01:41]:
> How up to date is the Git repos?  Does it pull individual commits from
> CVS, or does it resync the whole history periodically?  If so, what's
> the lag?

It's updated hourly, which is the same rate the public CVS is updated.

> An important part of (2) is that the mirrored repos be sufficiently up
> to date that using it for your dev work and producing patches doesn't
> put you significantly behind HEAD.
> I think the Subversion repos resyncs every six hours, but I'm not sure
> (strangely there's not a whole lot of information about it on the
> wiki).  To me, six hours seems a little slow.
> If you hit (3) on Git I for one will gladly start using the Git
> repository for my dev work.  I work on minor upgrades, not the major
> stuff, so I think the benefits of a distributed system might be slim
> for me (because I'm not going to be switching across large branches).
> But I'd be happy to give it a shot.

Please - feel free to use the Git repository for your work.  It's there,
and staying there, based on the PostgreSQL CVS repository.

In other projects I'm involved in, some developers are using GIT pretty
heavily *as developers*.  The projects "main repository" is still in
CVS, but that isn't much of a problem, because the tools git offers are
excellent at producing patches, patch series, rebasing them, sharing
them, and even directly committing them to CVS.  The advantages of GIT
aren't necessarily that it's a *distributed* SCM/VCS, but that since it
is a DSCM/DVCS, it's understanding of history and the tools that enable
are extremely powerful.

But CVS is (unfortunately) the defacto standard.  Everybody understands
it (well, the basics of it), and all the tools know how to interact with
it.  So leave the main repository in CVS, and let each developer use the
tools they are most comfortable with.  The fact is, no matter *what* the
"official" repository is, I would *still* use git to develop.  And I'm
guessing that others who prefer the tools in darcs/monotone/hg will
continue to use their favourite tools too.

But the more arcane, unique, or just plain "different" the main
repository is, the higher *perceived* barrier to entry will be.


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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