On 04 May 2001 10:29:50 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:

> > With regards to your specific problem, my guess is that you haven't 
> > created you database with the proper character set for the data you are 
> > storing in it.  I am guessing you simply used the default SQL Acsii 
> > character set for your created database and therefore only the first 127 
> > characters are defined.  Any characters above 127 will be returned by 
> > java as ?'s.
> Does this happen with a non-multibyte-compiled database?  If so, I'd
> argue that's a serious bug in the JDBC code: it makes JDBC unusable
> for non-ASCII 8-bit character sets, unless one puts up with the overhead
> of MULTIBYTE support.

I fought with this for a few days. The solution is to dump the database
and create a new database with the correct encoding.

MULTIBYTE is not neccesary I just set the type to LATIN1 and it works

Queries even work on accentuated caracters!!! 

I have a demo database for those interested


Tony Grant

RedHat Linux on Sony Vaio C1XD/S
Ultradev and PostgreSQL

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