Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ViSolve Open Source Team writes:
>> 2. a one-line change that fixes a string concatenation problem with the
>> HP-C compiler (specific to included .c files).

> You're doing this:

> -TMPFILE="$TMPDIR/genbkitmp$$.c"
> +TMPFILE="$TMPDIR/genbkitmp$$.h"

> I'm afraid this will not fly, because calling the preprocessor is only
> portable on .c files.  Generally, it's also unwise to rely in this kind of
> subtle side effect.  We need a general solution.

I've been looking at this problem, and I think that in fact the HP
compilers are exposing a bogus assumption in our code.  The reason that fails on these compilers is that it effectively assumes that
adjacent string literals, such as
        "foo" "bar"
will not be concatenated into a single string literal by 'cpp'.
Otherwise, some entries in pg_proc.h get messed up, such as this one:
DATA(insert OID = 1176 (  timestamptz      PGNSP PGUID 14 f f t f s 2 1184 "1082 1083" 
 "select cast(($1 + $2) as timestamp with time zone)" - _null_ ));
In future other catalogs might have similar issues.

But since the ANSI C spec requires adjacent string literals to be
concatenated, that step has to happen *someplace* in the compiler.
I cannot fault HP for choosing to implement it in cpp rather than
some later step of compilation.  Therefore this is really our fault
not theirs; we are making an unwarranted assumption about the
behavior of cpp.

It strikes me however that there is a really simple solution, which
is to stop invoking cpp at all during  It is not doing
*anything* of value for us ... merely introducing portability hazards.
The generated temp file that is fed to cpp does not contain any
#-sign preprocessor commands, nor any macros to be expanded.  When
using gcc, the only difference between cpp's input and output is
the addition of a comment line like this:
        # 1 "genbkitmp12116.c"

It appears that there was once provision to do more interesting things
via cpp: the Makefile and genbki shell script contain provisions to
pass additional switches to cpp, which presumably might be used to
insert "-D" switches so that identifiers could be expanded to something
else in the BKI data.  But we aren't using that, and have not done so
for a very long time.  Instead we expect itself to replace
everything that needs replacing (NAMEDATALEN etc).  I see no reason
why we'd abandon that technique in favor of using cpp again.

So I propose that we remove the cpp invocation and associated
infrastructure from  Any objections?

                        regards, tom lane

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