On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 00:21 +0100, Gevik Babakhani wrote:
> AFAIK, It is/was part of the TODO for the core.

Well, I don't have a strong opinion either way, but I think it should be
given some thought.

As far as the code, looks pretty good. A few minor comments:

* varchar_uuid() should be named uuid_varchar(), for consistency with
the other function names. In fact, uuid_text() and varchar_uuid() are
essentially identical, so they should be refactored. The fmgr interface
macros can stay, I guess.

* most of uuid.h can be gotten rid of: the SQL-callable functions are
already declared in builtins.h, and most of the other declarations
should be moved to uuid.c and made local to that file.

* needs documentation


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