Tom Lane wrote:
1. checkpoint_rate is used thusly:

        writes_per_nap = Min(1, checkpoint_rate / BgWriterDelay);

where writes_per_nap is the max number of dirty blocks to write before
taking a bgwriter nap.  Now surely this is completely backward: if
BgWriterDelay is increased, the number of writes to allow per nap
decreases?  If you think checkpoint_rate is expressed in some kind of
physical bytes/sec unit, that cannot be right; the number of blocks
per nap has to increase if the naps get longer.

Uh, you're right, that's just plain wrong. checkpoint_rate is in pages/s, so that line should be

writes_per_nap = Min(1, checkpoint_rate * BgWriterDelay / 1000)

(BTW, the patch seems
a bit schizoid about whether checkpoint_rate is int or float.)

Yeah, I've gone back and forth on the data type. I wanted it to be a float, but guc code doesn't let you specify a float in KB, so I switched it to int.

2. checkpoint_smoothing is used thusly:

        /* scale progress according to CheckPointSmoothing */
        progress *= CheckPointSmoothing;

where the progress value being scaled is the fraction so far completed
of the total number of dirty pages we expect to have to write.  This
is then compared against estimates of the total fraction of the time-
between-checkpoints that has elapsed; if less, we are behind schedule
and should not nap, if more, we are ahead of schedule and may nap.

(This is a bit odd, but I guess it's all right because it's equivalent
to dividing the elapsed-time estimate by CheckPointSmoothing, which
seems a more natural way of thinking about what needs to happen.)

Yeah, it's a bit unnatural. I did it that way so we don't have to divide all three of the estimates: cached_elapsed, progress_in_time and progress_in_xlog. Maybe it's not worth micro-optimizing that.

What's bugging me about this is that we are either going to be writing
at checkpoint_rate if ahead of schedule, or max possible rate if behind;
that's not "smoothing" to me, that's introducing some pretty bursty
behavior.  ISTM that actual "smoothing" would involve adjusting
writes_per_nap up or down according to whether we are ahead or behind
schedule, so as to have a finer degree of control over the I/O rate.
(I'd also consider saving the last writes_per_nap value across
checkpoints so as to have a more nearly accurate starting value next

That sounds a lot more complex. The burstiness at that level shouldn't matter much. The OS is still going to cache the writes, and should even out the bursts.

Assuming time/xlogs elapse at a steady rate, we will write some multiple of writes_per_nap pages between each sleep. With a small writes_per_nap, writing just writes_per_nap isn't enough to catch up after we fall behind, so we'll write more than that between each sleep. That means that on each iteration, we'll write either N*writes_per_nap, or (N+1)*writes_per_nap. At worst, that means either writes_per_nap or 2*writes_per_nap pages on each iteration. That's not too bad, I think.

In any case I still concur with Takahiro-san that "smoothing" doesn't
seem the most appropriate name for the parameter.  Something along the
lines of "checkpoint_completion_target" would convey more about what it
does, I think.

Ok, I'm not wedded to smoothing.

And checkpoint_rate really needs to be named checkpoint_min_rate, if
it's going to be a minimum.  However, I question whether we need it at
all, because as the code stands, with the default BgWriterDelay you
would have to increase checkpoint_rate to 4x its proposed default before
writes_per_nap moves off its minimum of 1.

Hmm. With bgwriter_delay of 200 ms, and checkpoint_min_rate of 512 KB/s, using the non-broken formula above, we get:

(512*1024/8192) * 200 / 1000 = 12.8, truncated to 12.

So I think that's fine. (looking at the patch, I see that the default in guc.c is actually 100 pages / s, contrary to documentation; needs to be fixed)

This says to me that the
system's tested behavior has been so insensitive to checkpoint_rate
that we probably need not expose such a parameter at all; just hardwire
the minimum writes_per_nap at 1.

I've set checkpoint_rate to a small value in my tests on purpose to control the feature with the other parameter. That must be why I haven't noticed the bogus calculation of it before.

  Heikki Linnakangas

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