Teodor Sigaev wrote:
Looking at the patch, you require that the TIDBitmap fits in work_mem in non-lossy format. I don't think that's acceptable, it can easily exceed work_mem if you search for some very common word. Failing to execute a valid query is not good.
But way is better than nothing. In really, that way was chosen to have fast merge of (potentially) hundreds of sorted lists of ItemPointers. Other ways is much slower.

How about forcing the use of a bitmap index scan, and modify the indexam API so that GIN could a return a lossy bitmap, and let the bitmap heap scan do the rechecking?

I don't think the storage size of tsquery matters much, so whatever is the best solution in terms of code readability etc.
That was about tsqueryesend/recv format? not a storage on disk. We don't require compatibility of binary format of db's files, but I have some doubts about binary dump.

We generally don't make any promises about cross-version compatibility of binary dumps, though it would be nice not to break it if it's not too much effort.

Hmm. match_special_index_operator() already checks that the index's opfamily is pattern_ops, or text_ops with C-locale. Are you reusing the same operator families for wildspeed? Doesn't it then also get confused if you do a "WHERE textcol > 'foo'" query by hand?
No, wildspeed use the same operator ~~
match_special_index_operator() isn't called at all: in match_clause_to_indexcol() function is_indexable_operator() is called before match_special_index_operator() and returns true.

expand_indexqual_opclause() sees that operation is a OID_TEXT_LIKE_OP and calls prefix_quals() which fails because it wishes only several Btree opfamilies.

Oh, I see. So this assumption mentioned in the comment there:

 * LIKE and regex operators are not members of any index opfamily,
 * so if we find one in an indexqual list we can assume that it
 * was accepted by match_special_index_operator().

is no longer true with wildspeed. So we do need to check that in expand_indexqual_opclause() then.

NOTICE 2: it seems to me, that similar technique could be implemented for ordinary BTree to eliminate hack around LIKE support.
LIKE expression. I wonder what the size and performance of that would be like, in comparison to the proposed GIN solution?

GIN speeds up '%foo%' too - which is impossible for btree. But I don't like a hack around LIKE support in BTree. This support uses outflank ways missing regular one.

You could satisfy '%foo%' using a regular and a reverse B-tree index, and a bitmap AND. Which is interestingly similar to the way you proposed to use a TIDBitmap within GIN.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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