Tom Lane escribió:
> Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Tom Lane escribió:
> >> They're logically different things, and after I get done putting a parse
> >> location field into A_Const, they'll still be physically different too.
> > Aha.  Are you working from Brendan's patch?  I was going to commit it.
> Sure, go ahead.  I was going to add the parse location at the same time,
> but it can perfectly well be done as a separate patch.

I came up with the attached patch.  I added the location bits (although
I am unsure if I got the locations right in the parser), but they are
unused -- figuring out how to use them would take me longer than I can
to spend on this.

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Index: src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.392
diff -c -p -r1.392 copyfuncs.c
*** src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c	14 Apr 2008 17:05:33 -0000	1.392
--- src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c	28 Apr 2008 20:20:44 -0000
*************** _copyAConst(A_Const *from)
*** 1639,1645 ****
! 	COPY_NODE_FIELD(typename);
  	return newnode;
--- 1639,1645 ----
! 	COPY_SCALAR_FIELD(location);
  	return newnode;
Index: src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.321
diff -c -p -r1.321 equalfuncs.c
*** src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c	14 Apr 2008 17:05:33 -0000	1.321
--- src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c	28 Apr 2008 16:17:02 -0000
*************** _equalParamRef(ParamRef *a, ParamRef *b)
*** 1691,1701 ****
  static bool
  _equalAConst(A_Const *a, A_Const *b)
! 	if (!equal(&a->val, &b->val))		/* hack for in-line Value field */
! 		return false;
! 	COMPARE_NODE_FIELD(typename);
! 	return true;
  static bool
--- 1691,1697 ----
  static bool
  _equalAConst(A_Const *a, A_Const *b)
! 	return equal(&a->val, &b->val);		/* hack for in-line Value field */
  static bool
Index: src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.325
diff -c -p -r1.325 outfuncs.c
*** src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c	13 Apr 2008 20:51:20 -0000	1.325
--- src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c	28 Apr 2008 17:24:10 -0000
*************** _outAConst(StringInfo str, A_Const *node
*** 1945,1951 ****
  	appendStringInfo(str, " :val ");
  	_outValue(str, &(node->val));
! 	WRITE_NODE_FIELD(typename);
  static void
--- 1945,1951 ----
  	appendStringInfo(str, " :val ");
  	_outValue(str, &(node->val));
! 	WRITE_INT_FIELD(location);
  static void
Index: src/backend/parser/gram.y
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v
retrieving revision 2.612
diff -c -p -r2.612 gram.y
*** src/backend/parser/gram.y	14 Apr 2008 17:05:33 -0000	2.612
--- src/backend/parser/gram.y	28 Apr 2008 19:48:16 -0000
*************** static bool QueryIsRule = FALSE;
*** 91,101 ****
  static Node *makeColumnRef(char *relname, List *indirection, int location);
  static Node *makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename);
! static Node *makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename);
! static Node *makeIntConst(int val);
! static Node *makeFloatConst(char *str);
! static Node *makeAConst(Value *v);
! static A_Const *makeBoolAConst(bool state);
  static FuncCall *makeOverlaps(List *largs, List *rargs, int location);
  static void check_qualified_name(List *names);
  static List *check_func_name(List *names);
--- 91,102 ----
  static Node *makeColumnRef(char *relname, List *indirection, int location);
  static Node *makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename);
! static Node *makeStringConst(char *str, int location);
! static Node *makeStringConstCast(char *str, TypeName *typename, int location);
! static Node *makeIntConst(int val, int location);
! static Node *makeFloatConst(char *str, int location);
! static Node *makeAConst(Value *v, int location);
! static Node *makeBoolAConst(bool state, int location);
  static FuncCall *makeOverlaps(List *largs, List *rargs, int location);
  static void check_qualified_name(List *names);
  static List *check_func_name(List *names);
*************** set_rest:	/* Generic SET syntaxes: */
*** 1112,1118 ****
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "client_encoding";
  					if ($2 != NULL)
! 						n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($2, NULL));
  						n->kind = VAR_SET_DEFAULT;
  					$$ = n;
--- 1113,1119 ----
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "client_encoding";
  					if ($2 != NULL)
! 						n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($2, @2));
  						n->kind = VAR_SET_DEFAULT;
  					$$ = n;
*************** set_rest:	/* Generic SET syntaxes: */
*** 1122,1128 ****
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "role";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($2, NULL));
  					$$ = n;
--- 1123,1129 ----
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "role";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($2, @2));
  					$$ = n;
*************** set_rest:	/* Generic SET syntaxes: */
*** 1130,1136 ****
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "session_authorization";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($3, NULL));
  					$$ = n;
--- 1131,1137 ----
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "session_authorization";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($3, @3));
  					$$ = n;
*************** set_rest:	/* Generic SET syntaxes: */
*** 1145,1151 ****
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "xmloption";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($3 == XMLOPTION_DOCUMENT ? "DOCUMENT" : "CONTENT", NULL));
  					$$ = n;
--- 1146,1153 ----
  					VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt);
  					n->kind = VAR_SET_VALUE;
  					n->name = "xmloption";
! 					n->args = list_make1(makeStringConst($3 == XMLOPTION_DOCUMENT ?
! 														 "DOCUMENT" : "CONTENT", @3));
  					$$ = n;
*************** var_list:	var_value								{ $$ = list_m
*** 1163,1173 ****
  var_value:	opt_boolean
! 				{ $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); }
  			| ColId_or_Sconst
! 				{ $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); }
  			| NumericOnly
! 				{ $$ = makeAConst($1); }
  iso_level:	READ UNCOMMITTED						{ $$ = "read uncommitted"; }
--- 1165,1175 ----
  var_value:	opt_boolean
! 				{ $$ = makeStringConst($1, @1); }
  			| ColId_or_Sconst
! 				{ $$ = makeStringConst($1, @1); }
  			| NumericOnly
! 				{ $$ = makeAConst($1, @1); }
  iso_level:	READ UNCOMMITTED						{ $$ = "read uncommitted"; }
*************** opt_boolean:
*** 1194,1231 ****
! 					$$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL);
  			| IDENT
! 					$$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL);
  			| ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval
! 					A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($2, $1);
  					if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
  						if (($3 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0)
  									 errmsg("time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE")));
! 						n->typename->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval
! 					A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($5, $1);
  					if (($6 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
  						&& (($6 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0))
  								 errmsg("time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE")));
! 					n->typename->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($6),
! 													  makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
! 			| NumericOnly							{ $$ = makeAConst($1); }
  			| DEFAULT								{ $$ = NULL; }
  			| LOCAL									{ $$ = NULL; }
--- 1196,1233 ----
! 					$$ = makeStringConst($1, @1);
  			| IDENT
! 					$$ = makeStringConst($1, @1);
  			| ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval
! 					TypeName *t = $1;
  					if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
  						if (($3 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0)
  									 errmsg("time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE")));
! 						t->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($2, t, @2);
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval
! 					TypeName *t = $1;
  					if (($6 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
  						&& (($6 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0))
  								 errmsg("time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE")));
! 					t->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($6, @6), 
! 											makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($5, t, @5);
! 			| NumericOnly							{ $$ = makeAConst($1, @1); }
  			| DEFAULT								{ $$ = NULL; }
  			| LOCAL									{ $$ = NULL; }
*************** opt_transaction:	WORK							{}
*** 5207,5219 ****
  			ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_isolation",
! 									   makeStringConst($3, NULL)); }
  			| READ ONLY
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_read_only",
! 									   makeIntConst(TRUE)); }
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_read_only",
! 									   makeIntConst(FALSE)); }
  /* Syntax with commas is SQL-spec, without commas is Postgres historical */
--- 5209,5221 ----
  			ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_isolation",
! 									   makeStringConst($3, @3)); }
  			| READ ONLY
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_read_only",
! 									   makeIntConst(TRUE, -1)); }
  					{ $$ = makeDefElem("transaction_read_only",
! 									   makeIntConst(FALSE, -1)); }
  /* Syntax with commas is SQL-spec, without commas is Postgres historical */
*************** select_limit_value:
*** 6396,6401 ****
--- 6398,6404 ----
  					/* LIMIT ALL is represented as a NULL constant */
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Null;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
*************** SimpleTypename:
*** 6898,6910 ****
  					$$ = $1;
  					if ($2 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($2));
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' opt_interval
  					$$ = $1;
! 					$$->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($5),
! 											 makeIntConst($3));
--- 6901,6913 ----
  					$$ = $1;
  					if ($2 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($2, @2));
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' opt_interval
  					$$ = $1;
! 					$$->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($5, @5),
! 											 makeIntConst($3, @3));
*************** BitWithoutLength:
*** 7090,7096 ****
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("bit");
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst(1));
  					$$->location = @1;
--- 7093,7099 ----
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("bit");
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst(1, -1));
  					$$->location = @1;
*************** CharacterWithLength:  character '(' Icon
*** 7142,7148 ****
  					$$ = SystemTypeName($1);
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
  					$$->location = @1;
--- 7145,7151 ----
  					$$ = SystemTypeName($1);
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
  					$$->location = @1;
*************** CharacterWithoutLength:	 character opt_c
*** 7164,7170 ****
  					/* char defaults to char(1), varchar to no limit */
  					if (strcmp($1, "bpchar") == 0)
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst(1));
  					$$->location = @1;
--- 7167,7173 ----
  					/* char defaults to char(1), varchar to no limit */
  					if (strcmp($1, "bpchar") == 0)
! 						$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst(1, -1));
  					$$->location = @1;
*************** ConstDatetime:
*** 7204,7210 ****
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timestamptz");
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timestamp");
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
  					$$->location = @1;
  			| TIMESTAMP opt_timezone
--- 7207,7213 ----
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timestamptz");
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timestamp");
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
  					$$->location = @1;
  			| TIMESTAMP opt_timezone
*************** ConstDatetime:
*** 7221,7227 ****
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timetz");
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("time");
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
  					$$->location = @1;
  			| TIME opt_timezone
--- 7224,7230 ----
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("timetz");
  						$$ = SystemTypeName("time");
! 					$$->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
  					$$->location = @1;
  			| TIME opt_timezone
*************** a_expr:		c_expr									{ $$ = $1; }
*** 7411,7416 ****
--- 7414,7420 ----
  					A_Const *c = makeNode(A_Const);
  					FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall);
  					c->val.type = T_Null;
+ 					c->location = -1;
  					n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape");
  					n->args = list_make2($4, (Node *) c);
  					n->agg_star = FALSE;
*************** a_expr:		c_expr									{ $$ = $1; }
*** 7433,7438 ****
--- 7437,7443 ----
  					A_Const *c = makeNode(A_Const);
  					FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall);
  					c->val.type = T_Null;
+ 					c->location = -1;
  					n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape");
  					n->args = list_make2($5, (Node *) c);
  					n->agg_star = FALSE;
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 7912,7927 ****
  					 * that is actually possible, but not clear that we want
  					 * to rely on it.)
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("date");
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
--- 7917,7927 ----
  					 * that is actually possible, but not clear that we want
  					 * to rely on it.)
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n,
! 											  SystemTypeName("date"));
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 7929,7944 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("timetz");
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
  			| CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')'
--- 7929,7939 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n,
! 											  SystemTypeName("timetz"));
  			| CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')'
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 7946,7961 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("timetz");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
--- 7941,7953 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					TypeName *d = SystemTypeName("timetz");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n, d);
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 7977,7993 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamptz(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("timestamptz");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
--- 7969,7981 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamptz(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					TypeName *d = SystemTypeName("timestamptz");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n, d);
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 7995,8010 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::time".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("time");
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
  			| LOCALTIME '(' Iconst ')'
--- 7983,7993 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::time".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n,
! 											  SystemTypeName("time"));
  			| LOCALTIME '(' Iconst ')'
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 8012,8027 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::time(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("time");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
--- 7995,8007 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::time(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					TypeName *d = SystemTypeName("time");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n, d);
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 8029,8044 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("timestamp");
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
  			| LOCALTIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')'
--- 8009,8019 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n,
! 											  SystemTypeName("timestamp"));
  			| LOCALTIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')'
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 8046,8062 ****
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					TypeName *d;
! 					s->val.type = T_String;
! 					s->val.val.str = "now";
! 					s->typename = SystemTypeName("text");
! 					d = SystemTypeName("timestamp");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d);
--- 8021,8033 ----
  					 * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp(n)".
  					 * See comments for CURRENT_DATE.
! 					Node *n = makeStringConstCast("now",
! 												  SystemTypeName("text"), @1);
! 					TypeName *d = SystemTypeName("timestamp");
! 					d->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)n, d);
*************** func_expr:	func_name '(' ')'
*** 8263,8269 ****
  					XmlExpr *x = (XmlExpr *) makeXmlExpr(IS_XMLPARSE, NULL, NIL,
! 																	makeBoolAConst($5)));
  					x->xmloption = $3;
  					$$ = (Node *)x;
--- 8234,8240 ----
  					XmlExpr *x = (XmlExpr *) makeXmlExpr(IS_XMLPARSE, NULL, NIL,
! 																	makeBoolAConst($5, @5)));
  					x->xmloption = $3;
  					$$ = (Node *)x;
*************** xml_root_version: VERSION_P a_expr
*** 8299,8316 ****
  					A_Const *val = makeNode(A_Const);
  					val->val.type = T_Null;
  					$$ = (Node *) val;
  opt_xml_root_standalone: ',' STANDALONE_P YES_P
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_YES); }
  			| ',' STANDALONE_P NO
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_NO); }
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_NO_VALUE); }
  			| /*EMPTY*/
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_OMITTED); }
  xml_attributes: XMLATTRIBUTES '(' xml_attribute_list ')'	{ $$ = $3; }
--- 8270,8288 ----
  					A_Const *val = makeNode(A_Const);
  					val->val.type = T_Null;
+ 					val->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *) val;
  opt_xml_root_standalone: ',' STANDALONE_P YES_P
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_YES, @2); }
  			| ',' STANDALONE_P NO
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_NO, @2); }
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_NO_VALUE, @2); }
  			| /*EMPTY*/
! 				{ $$ = (Node *) makeIntConst(XML_STANDALONE_OMITTED, -1); }
  xml_attributes: XMLATTRIBUTES '(' xml_attribute_list ')'	{ $$ = $3; }
*************** extract_list:
*** 8457,8462 ****
--- 8429,8435 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_String;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = list_make2((Node *) n, $3);
  			| /*EMPTY*/								{ $$ = NIL; }
*************** substr_list:
*** 8544,8549 ****
--- 8517,8523 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Integer;
  					n->val.val.ival = 1;
+ 					n->location = -1;
  					$$ = list_make3($1, (Node *) n,
  									makeTypeCast($2, SystemTypeName("int4")));
*************** AexprConst: Iconst
*** 8859,8864 ****
--- 8833,8839 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Integer;
  					n->val.val.ival = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| FCONST
*************** AexprConst: Iconst
*** 8866,8871 ****
--- 8841,8847 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Float;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| Sconst
*************** AexprConst: Iconst
*** 8873,8878 ****
--- 8849,8855 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_String;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| BCONST
*************** AexprConst: Iconst
*** 8880,8885 ****
--- 8857,8863 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_BitString;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| XCONST
*************** AexprConst: Iconst
*** 8892,8961 ****
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_BitString;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| func_name Sconst
  					/* generic type 'literal' syntax */
! 					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					n->typename = makeTypeNameFromNameList($1);
! 					n->typename->location = @1;
! 					n->val.type = T_String;
! 					n->val.val.str = $2;
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| func_name '(' expr_list ')' Sconst
  					/* generic syntax with a type modifier */
! 					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					n->typename = makeTypeNameFromNameList($1);
! 					n->typename->typmods = $3;
! 					n->typename->location = @1;
! 					n->val.type = T_String;
! 					n->val.val.str = $5;
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| ConstTypename Sconst
! 					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					n->typename = $1;
! 					n->val.type = T_String;
! 					n->val.val.str = $2;
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval
! 					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					n->typename = $1;
! 					n->val.type = T_String;
! 					n->val.val.str = $2;
  					/* precision is not specified, but fields may be... */
  					if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
! 						n->typename->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval
! 					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
! 					n->typename = $1;
! 					n->val.type = T_String;
! 					n->val.val.str = $5;
! 					n->typename->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($6),
! 													  makeIntConst($3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| TRUE_P
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeBoolAConst(TRUE);
  			| FALSE_P
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeBoolAConst(FALSE);
  			| NULL_P
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Null;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
--- 8870,8926 ----
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_BitString;
  					n->val.val.str = $1;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
  			| func_name Sconst
  					/* generic type 'literal' syntax */
! 					TypeName *t = makeTypeNameFromNameList($1);
! 					t->location = @1;
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($2, t, @1);
  			| func_name '(' expr_list ')' Sconst
  					/* generic syntax with a type modifier */
! 					TypeName *t = makeTypeNameFromNameList($1);
! 					t->typmods = $3;
! 					t->location = @1;
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($5, t, @1);
  			| ConstTypename Sconst
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($2, $1, @1);
  			| ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval
! 					TypeName *t = $1;
  					/* precision is not specified, but fields may be... */
  					if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE)
! 						t->typmods = list_make1(makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($2, t, @1);
  			| ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval
! 					TypeName *t = $1;
! 					t->typmods = list_make2(makeIntConst($6, @6),
! 										    makeIntConst($3, @3));
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeStringConstCast($5, t, @1);
  			| TRUE_P
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeBoolAConst(TRUE, @1);
  			| FALSE_P
! 					$$ = (Node *)makeBoolAConst(FALSE, @1);
  			| NULL_P
  					A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  					n->val.type = T_Null;
+ 					n->location = @1;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
*************** makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typena
*** 9506,9563 ****
  static Node *
! makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_String;
  	n->val.val.str = str;
! 	n->typename = typename;
  	return (Node *)n;
  static Node *
! makeIntConst(int val)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_Integer;
  	n->val.val.ival = val;
! 	n->typename = SystemTypeName("int4");
  	return (Node *)n;
  static Node *
! makeFloatConst(char *str)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_Float;
  	n->val.val.str = str;
! 	n->typename = SystemTypeName("float8");
! 	return (Node *)n;
  static Node *
! makeAConst(Value *v)
  	Node *n;
  	switch (v->type)
  		case T_Float:
! 			n = makeFloatConst(v->val.str);
  		case T_Integer:
! 			n = makeIntConst(v->val.ival);
  		case T_String:
! 			n = makeStringConst(v->val.str, NULL);
--- 9471,9537 ----
  static Node *
! makeStringConst(char *str, int location)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_String;
  	n->val.val.str = str;
! 	n->location = location;
  	return (Node *)n;
  static Node *
! makeStringConstCast(char *str, TypeName *typename, int location)
! {
! 	Node *s = makeStringConst(str, location);
! 	return makeTypeCast(s, typename);
! }
! static Node *
! makeIntConst(int val, int location)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_Integer;
  	n->val.val.ival = val;
! 	n->location = location;
  	return (Node *)n;
  static Node *
! makeFloatConst(char *str, int location)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_Float;
  	n->val.val.str = str;
! 	n->location = location;
! 	return makeTypeCast((Node *)n, SystemTypeName("float8"));
  static Node *
! makeAConst(Value *v, int location)
  	Node *n;
  	switch (v->type)
  		case T_Float:
! 			n = makeFloatConst(v->val.str, location);
  		case T_Integer:
! 			n = makeIntConst(v->val.ival, location);
  		case T_String:
! 			n = makeStringConst(v->val.str, location);
*************** makeAConst(Value *v)
*** 9565,9580 ****
  /* makeBoolAConst()
!  * Create an A_Const node and initialize to a boolean constant.
! static A_Const *
! makeBoolAConst(bool state)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_String;
  	n->val.val.str = (state ? "t" : "f");
! 	n->typename = SystemTypeName("bool");
! 	return n;
  /* makeOverlaps()
--- 9539,9556 ----
  /* makeBoolAConst()
!  * Create an A_Const string node and put it inside a boolean cast.
! static Node *
! makeBoolAConst(bool state, int location)
  	A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
  	n->val.type = T_String;
  	n->val.val.str = (state ? "t" : "f");
! 	n->location = location;
! 	return makeTypeCast((Node *)n, SystemTypeName("bool"));
  /* makeOverlaps()
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.227
diff -c -p -r1.227 parse_expr.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c	20 Mar 2008 21:42:48 -0000	1.227
--- src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c	28 Apr 2008 16:17:02 -0000
*************** transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *
*** 127,135 ****
  				Value	   *val = &con->val;
  				result = (Node *) make_const(val);
- 				if (con->typename != NULL)
- 					result = typecast_expression(pstate, result,
- 												 con->typename);
--- 127,132 ----
*************** exprIsNullConstant(Node *arg)
*** 649,656 ****
  		A_Const    *con = (A_Const *) arg;
! 		if (con->val.type == T_Null &&
! 			con->typename == NULL)
  			return true;
  	return false;
--- 646,652 ----
  		A_Const    *con = (A_Const *) arg;
! 		if (con->val.type == T_Null)
  			return true;
  	return false;
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_target.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_target.c,v
retrieving revision 1.159
diff -c -p -r1.159 parse_target.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_target.c	20 Mar 2008 21:42:48 -0000	1.159
--- src/backend/parser/parse_target.c	28 Apr 2008 16:17:02 -0000
*************** FigureColnameInternal(Node *node, char *
*** 1266,1278 ****
  				return 2;
- 		case T_A_Const:
- 			if (((A_Const *) node)->typename != NULL)
- 			{
- 				*name = strVal(llast(((A_Const *) node)->typename->names));
- 				return 1;
- 			}
- 			break;
  		case T_TypeCast:
  			strength = FigureColnameInternal(((TypeCast *) node)->arg,
--- 1266,1271 ----
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_type.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_type.c,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -c -p -r1.95 parse_type.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_type.c	11 Apr 2008 22:54:23 -0000	1.95
--- src/backend/parser/parse_type.c	28 Apr 2008 16:17:02 -0000
*************** typenameTypeMod(ParseState *pstate, cons
*** 289,308 ****
  			A_Const    *ac = (A_Const *) tm;
- 			/*
- 			 * The grammar hands back some integers with ::int4 attached, so
- 			 * allow a cast decoration if it's an Integer value, but not
- 			 * otherwise.
- 			 */
  			if (IsA(&ac->val, Integer))
  				cstr = (char *) palloc(32);
  				snprintf(cstr, 32, "%ld", (long) ac->val.val.ival);
! 			else if (ac->typename == NULL)		/* no casts allowed */
! 			{
! 				/* otherwise we can just use the str field directly. */
  				cstr = ac->val.val.str;
  		else if (IsA(tm, ColumnRef))
--- 289,321 ----
  			A_Const    *ac = (A_Const *) tm;
  			if (IsA(&ac->val, Integer))
  				cstr = (char *) palloc(32);
  				snprintf(cstr, 32, "%ld", (long) ac->val.val.ival);
! 			else
! 				/* we can just use the str field directly. */
  				cstr = ac->val.val.str;
+ 		}
+ 		else if (IsA(tm, TypeCast))
+ 		{
+ 			/*
+ 			 * The grammar hands back some integers with ::int4 attached, so
+ 			 * allow a cast decoration if it's an Integer value, but not
+ 			 * otherwise.
+ 			 */
+ 			TypeCast *tc = (TypeCast *) tm;
+ 			if (IsA(tc->arg, A_Const))
+ 			{
+ 				A_Const	   *ac = (A_Const *) tc->arg;
+ 				if (IsA(&ac->val, Integer))
+ 				{
+ 					cstr = (char *) palloc(32);
+ 					snprintf(cstr, 32, "%ld", (long) ac->val.val.ival);
+ 				}
  		else if (IsA(tm, ColumnRef))
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c,v
retrieving revision 2.12
diff -c -p -r2.12 parse_utilcmd.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c	24 Apr 2008 20:46:49 -0000	2.12
--- src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c	28 Apr 2008 16:17:02 -0000
*************** transformColumnDefinition(ParseState *ps
*** 308,313 ****
--- 308,314 ----
  		char	   *sname;
  		char	   *qstring;
  		A_Const    *snamenode;
+ 		TypeCast   *castnode;
  		FuncCall   *funccallnode;
  		CreateSeqStmt *seqstmt;
  		AlterSeqStmt *altseqstmt;
*************** transformColumnDefinition(ParseState *ps
*** 379,388 ****
  		snamenode = makeNode(A_Const);
  		snamenode->val.type = T_String;
  		snamenode->val.val.str = qstring;
! 		snamenode->typename = SystemTypeName("regclass");
  		funccallnode = makeNode(FuncCall);
  		funccallnode->funcname = SystemFuncName("nextval");
! 		funccallnode->args = list_make1(snamenode);
  		funccallnode->agg_star = false;
  		funccallnode->agg_distinct = false;
  		funccallnode->location = -1;
--- 380,391 ----
  		snamenode = makeNode(A_Const);
  		snamenode->val.type = T_String;
  		snamenode->val.val.str = qstring;
! 		castnode = makeNode(TypeCast);
! 		castnode->typename = SystemTypeName("regclass");
! 		castnode->arg = (Node *) snamenode;
  		funccallnode = makeNode(FuncCall);
  		funccallnode->funcname = SystemFuncName("nextval");
! 		funccallnode->args = list_make1(castnode);
  		funccallnode->agg_star = false;
  		funccallnode->agg_distinct = false;
  		funccallnode->location = -1;
Index: src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.447
diff -c -p -r1.447 guc.c
*** src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c	18 Apr 2008 01:42:17 -0000	1.447
--- src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c	28 Apr 2008 20:14:31 -0000
*************** flatten_set_variable_args(const char *na
*** 5207,5235 ****
  	foreach(l, args)
! 		A_Const    *arg = (A_Const *) lfirst(l);
  		char	   *val;
  		if (l != list_head(args))
  			appendStringInfo(&buf, ", ");
  		if (!IsA(arg, A_Const))
  			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(arg));
! 		switch (nodeTag(&arg->val))
  			case T_Integer:
! 				appendStringInfo(&buf, "%ld", intVal(&arg->val));
  			case T_Float:
  				/* represented as a string, so just copy it */
! 				appendStringInfoString(&buf, strVal(&arg->val));
  			case T_String:
! 				val = strVal(&arg->val);
! 				if (arg->typename != NULL)
  					 * Must be a ConstInterval argument for TIME ZONE. Coerce
--- 5207,5254 ----
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Each list member may be a plain A_Const node, or an A_Const within a
+ 	 * TypeCast, as produced by makeFloatConst() et al in gram.y.
+ 	 */
  	foreach(l, args)
! 		Node       *arg = (Node *) lfirst(l);
  		char	   *val;
+ 		TypeName   *typename = NULL;
+ 		A_Const	   *con;
  		if (l != list_head(args))
  			appendStringInfo(&buf, ", ");
+ 		if (IsA(arg, TypeCast))
+ 		{
+ 			TypeCast *tc = (TypeCast *) arg;
+ 			arg = tc->arg;
+ 			typename = tc->typename;
+ 		}
  		if (!IsA(arg, A_Const))
  			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(arg));
! 		con = (A_Const *) arg;
! 		switch (nodeTag(&con->val))
  			case T_Integer:
! 				appendStringInfo(&buf, "%ld", intVal(&con->val));
  			case T_Float:
  				/* represented as a string, so just copy it */
! 				appendStringInfoString(&buf, strVal(&con->val));
  			case T_String:
! 				/*
! 				 * Plain string literal or identifier.	For quote mode,
! 				 * quote it if it's not a vanilla identifier.
! 				 */
! 				val = strVal(&con->val);
! 				if (typename != NULL)
  					 * Must be a ConstInterval argument for TIME ZONE. Coerce
*************** flatten_set_variable_args(const char *na
*** 5241,5247 ****
  					Datum		interval;
  					char	   *intervalout;
! 					typoid = typenameTypeId(NULL, arg->typename, &typmod);
  					Assert(typoid == INTERVALOID);
  					interval =
--- 5260,5266 ----
  					Datum		interval;
  					char	   *intervalout;
! 					typoid = typenameTypeId(NULL, typename, &typmod);
  					Assert(typoid == INTERVALOID);
  					interval =
*************** flatten_set_variable_args(const char *na
*** 5254,5266 ****
  					appendStringInfo(&buf, "INTERVAL '%s'", intervalout);
- 					/*
- 					 * Plain string literal or identifier.	For quote mode,
- 					 * quote it if it's not a vanilla identifier.
- 					 */
  					if (flags & GUC_LIST_QUOTE)
  						appendStringInfoString(&buf, quote_identifier(val));
--- 5273,5284 ----
  					appendStringInfo(&buf, "INTERVAL '%s'", intervalout);
+ 					/* don't leave this set */
+ 					typename = NULL;
  					if (flags & GUC_LIST_QUOTE)
  						appendStringInfoString(&buf, quote_identifier(val));
*************** flatten_set_variable_args(const char *na
*** 5269,5275 ****
  				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
! 					 (int) nodeTag(&arg->val));
--- 5287,5293 ----
  				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
! 					 (int) nodeTag(&con->val));
Index: src/include/catalog/catversion.h
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/include/catalog/catversion.h,v
retrieving revision 1.451
diff -c -p -r1.451 catversion.h
*** src/include/catalog/catversion.h	28 Apr 2008 14:57:35 -0000	1.451
--- src/include/catalog/catversion.h	28 Apr 2008 16:17:17 -0000
*** 53,58 ****
  /*							yyyymmddN */
! #define CATALOG_VERSION_NO	200804281
--- 53,58 ----
  /*							yyyymmddN */
! #define CATALOG_VERSION_NO	200804282
Index: src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
RCS file: /home/alvherre/Code/cvs/pgsql/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h,v
retrieving revision 1.362
diff -c -p -r1.362 parsenodes.h
*** src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h	14 Apr 2008 17:05:34 -0000	1.362
--- src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h	28 Apr 2008 19:16:49 -0000
*************** typedef struct A_Const
*** 234,250 ****
  	NodeTag		type;
  	Value		val;			/* the value (with the tag) */
! 	TypeName   *typename;		/* typecast, or NULL if none */
  } A_Const;
   * TypeCast - a CAST expression
-  *
-  * NOTE: for mostly historical reasons, A_Const parsenodes contain
-  * room for a TypeName, allowing a constant to be marked as being of a given
-  * type without a separate TypeCast node.  Either representation will work,
-  * but the combined representation saves a bit of code in many
-  * productions in gram.y.
  typedef struct TypeCast
--- 234,244 ----
  	NodeTag		type;
  	Value		val;			/* the value (with the tag) */
! 	int			location;		/* token location, or -1 if unknown */
  } A_Const;
   * TypeCast - a CAST expression
  typedef struct TypeCast
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