Anderson Boechat Lopes wrote:
I´m new here and i´m not sure if this is the right email to solve my problem.
Well, i have a very large database, with vary tables and very registers. Every day, too many operations are perfomed in that DB, with queries that insert, delete and update. Once a week some statistics are collected using vacuum analyze.

i guess you need to run it much more frequently than that. Thought you haven't given actual size of data etc., once or twice per day should be much better.
The problem is after a period of time (one month, i think), the queries takes too much time to perform. A simple update can take 10 seconds or more to perform.

You need to vacuum full once in a while and setup FSM parameters correctly.
If i make a backup, drop and recreate the DB, everything goes back normal.
Could anyone give me any guidance?

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