Does the PAE help linux in handling the memory of more than 4 Gb limit in 32 bit archetech ? My intel server board could handle the mem of 12 Gb [according to intel spec.] and if I use Fedora C2 with PAE , will it useless for mem of more than >4Gb.?

Any comment please?

I understand that the 2.6.* kernels are much better at large memory
support (with respect to performance issues), so unless you have a
64-bit machine lying around - this is probably worth a try.

You may need to build a new kernel with the various parameters :


set appropriately (or even upgrade to the latest 2.6.10). I would expect
that some research and experimentation will be required to get the best
out of it - (e.g. the 'bounce buffers' issue).



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