Hervé Piedvache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Le Jeudi 20 Janvier 2005 19:09, Bruno Almeida do Lago a écrit :
> > Could you explain us what do you have in mind for that solution? I mean,
> > forget the PostgreSQL (or any other database) restrictions and explain us
> > how this hardware would be. Where the data would be stored?
> >
> > I've something in mind for you, but first I need to understand your needs!
> I just want to make a big database as explained in my first mail ... At the 
> beginning we will have aprox. 150 000 000 records ... each month we will add 
> about 4/8 millions new rows in constant flow during the day ... and in same 
> time web users will access to the database in order to read those data.
> Stored data are quite close to data stored by google ... (we are not making a 
> google clone ... just a lot of data many small values and some big ones ... 
> that's why I'm comparing with google for data storage).
> Then we will have a search engine searching into those data ...

You're concentrating on the data within the database. That's only half the
picture. What are you going to *do* with the data in the database? You need to
analyze what "we will have a search engine searching into those data" means in
more detail.

Postgres is more than capable of storing 150Gb of data. There are people with
terabyte databases on this list. You need to define what types of queries you
need to perform, how many data they need to manipulate, and what your
performance requirements are for those queries.


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