Tom Lane wrote:
> Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>sub bytea_esc {
>>  my ($str) = @_;
>>  my $buf = "";
>>  foreach my $char (split(//,$str)) {
>>    if (ord($char) == 0) { $buf .= "\\\\000"; }
>>    elsif (ord($char) == 39) { $buf .= "\\\\047"; }
>>    elsif (ord($char) == 92) { $buf .= "\\\\134"; }
>>    else { $buf .= $char; }
>>  }
>>  return $buf;
> Oh, I see the problem: you forgot to convert " to a backslash sequence.
> It would probably also be wise to convert anything >= 128 to a backslash
> sequence, so as to avoid any possible problems with multibyte character
> encodings.  You wouldn't see this issue in a SQL_ASCII database, but I
> suspect it would rise up to bite you with other encoding settings.
>                       regards, tom lane

Here is some code that applies Toms Suggestions:

<     if (ord($char) == 0) { $buf .= "\\\\000"; }
>     if (ord($char) >= 128) { $buf .= "\\\\" . sprintf ("%lo",
ord($char)); }
>     elsif (ord($char) == 0) { $buf .= "\\\\000"; }
>     elsif (ord($char) == 34) { $buf .= "\\\\042"; }

But this begs the question, why not escape everything?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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