>> In Eclipse or other IDE (Netbeans, IntelliJ, ...), in order to being
>> productive, we have to use hotkeys to find a given class or a given
>> method because the browsing by tree is painful in an every day work.
>This is exactly my issue with Nautilus today. The list of packages is so 
>long in the pane that you can only work by hotkeys.

Yes - but this could have an easy solution: back in the "good old pharo days" 
we had a nautilus with a filter above the category pane.

One could easily enter the beginning of the name and the category pane, the
contents was condensed which saves a lot of scrolling. This is especially 
helpfull when you 
work on a single project (what you normally do).

I would REALLY like to have this feature back. Especially since we
had it in the past and tools like the MetacelloBrowser, the config browser have 
it too.

Just open the MetacelloBrowser and enter "Config" in the filter - you can 
get all ConfigurationOf... packages. Or enter the first letters of a project 
like "AST", "Ann" ... 

It's a real time saver!

I know Nautilus can be plugged together - dont know if it is possible to
write a plugin to get this filter possibility back. If it disturbs others it 
can be made a setting.

And: compared to Eclipse Smalltalk browsers are still much better. Eclipse/Java
     lacks categorization of methods which is IMHO horrible.


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