Laurent Laffont wrote:

actually the video is accelerated (almost 40' video reduced to 14'), lot of cuts to try to show a perfect workflow that nobody can have (I'm not an alien, I just cheat :). Having the good timing and workflow is hard, I can slowdown the video. My goals are:
- create ah WHAOUH effect when watching the first time
- come back later slowly, pause, try to do the thing

Personnally I like things going fast because that's how I like it, but I understand. With VLC you can adjust the timing easily (click on the 1.0x in the status bar, bottom right), may be people can try and tell me the good ratio for them.

And yes, voice will be far better, but I would like a native-english man/woman to record it.

I think I fit the bill, if you don't mind an Australian accent ;).  And I've got the tools.
cheers -ben



Le vendredi 2 mai 2014, 14:03:34 kilon alios a écrit :
Yeap it was me being stupid, it works for me now on MACOS. I have right
clicked and saved it on Github and instead it saved a xml thing, dont know
why. But I copy pasted its contents and now it works.

I would say that with subtitles it raised to 70-80% of what I can
understand. I still think its too fast and subtitles seem to overlap adding
to the confusion .

I am willing to do the voice over , my vocal English is far from perfect .
Here is a demo

I am also familiar with audio recording software and iMovie so I can add
the audio inside the movie.

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

It worked for me using VLC on Mac OS X.

But although I understand Laurent 100% for not wanting to record his own
voice (I hate mine as well), and although I have made subtitled screencasts
in the past myself, it is a fact that it is very hard to watch what is
happening on the screen and read subtitles at the same time - maybe
watching at half-speed (AKA half-laurent-speed, or mer-mortal-speed) helps ?

On 02 May 2014, at 12:25, kilon alios <> wrote:

also i tried to watch it in VLC adding the English subtitles and VLC
does not seem to recognize the subtitle format. Anyway to watch it with
subtitles on win 7 and macos ?



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