Hi Ben,

I've started to review your comments, thanks a lot for your time. May be you 
could fork the github project ( 
https://github.com/lolgzs/pharo-picasa-screencast ) and edit the video / 
caption as you want ?

May be at the end I will re-record a shorter screencast ...



Le samedi 3 mai 2014, 23:16:54 Ben Coman a écrit :
> Laurent Laffont wrote:
> Hi,
> actually the video is accelerated (almost 40' video reduced to 14'), lot of 
> cuts to try to show a perfect workflow that nobody can have (I'm not an 
> alien, I just cheat :). Having the good timing and workflow is hard, I can 
> slowdown the video. My goals are:
> - create ah WHAOUH effect when watching the first time
> - come back later slowly, pause, try to do the thing
> Something might be said to that effect to introduce the video.
> Personnally I like things going fast because that's how I like it, but I 
> understand. With VLC you can adjust the timing easily (click on the 1.0x in 
> the status bar, bottom right), may be people can try and tell me the good 
> ratio for them.
> And yes, voice will be far better, but I would like a native-english 
> man/woman to record it.
> Cheers,
> Laurent
> I've uploaded a sample attempt as a first pass here...
> http://files.openinworld.com/temp/picasa_pharo3_narration.mp3
> However I'd like to give it another go to improve quality since:
> * my laptop is annoyingly heard to ramp its fan up and down as its working 
> hard with the multimedia.
> * there are a few times where your captions are too fast for me and I stumble 
> trying to keep up.. 
> * some of the captions break sentences into parts separated by dead space, 
> which doesn't sound natural.
> I really like it, but putting on my editorial cap, here are some notes on the 
> captions and my narrative:
> I was not entirely comfortable saying "I".  Where its practical I'd like to 
> change that to "we" or "it should" etc.
> @0:00: It might be be good to narrate that this done in "Pharo3" and caption 
> a link to the download & install instructions page.
> Also, mention that its expected that listeners first watch all the way 
> through, then replay in steps to do the build the code themselves.
> Without any direct experience but the ambiance I pick up around the web is 
> that many people require different programs for desktop and web, which 
> doubles the work, whereas Pharo it can all be one program.  Perhaps that is a 
> reasonable point of differentiation worth marketing? 
> So maybe @00:09:  "Then how to build both a desktop application and a web 
> page served by Pharo itself to display them."
>  ---> "build a desktop application and a web page in the <b>same</b> system"
> @1:00 to @2:06: My narration falls behind the captions.  I think Metacello 
> doesn't need to be mentioned.  Its a distraction, and cutting it will help me 
> to keep up with the narrative.
> @5:18 you cut the code from Workspace and paste it into the Debugger @5:44.  
> This is too long in between.  Its hard to connect the two actions (I've been 
> playing it back an forth).  At 5:44 it would be better to drop back to 
> Workspace, cut, then immediately paste into the Debugger.
> @5:56 I don't think its worth saying that strings are collections of 
> characters.  Its enough to say that a comma concatenates string.
> @6:10 Introducing the refactoring tools is a distraction from showing "how 
> fast" you can do a web app.
> @6:30 Same for mentioning the format menu entry. 
> @6:50 More refactoring that I don't think is required.  You only need to sell 
> one "hook" at a time, and the main one here is
> speed of using some REST API
> @7:04 Same for reactoring to "inline content variable to remove it"
> @7:20 I fall behind.
> @9:50 Could split tutorial here when starting the web server.
> Early on we should describe the naming convention to put "Zn" in front of 
> Zinc components.
> @10:22 "by implement the value: method in a class"
> --> by implementing in a new class the value: method returning a Zinc http 
> response object.
> @10:56 ZNDefaultServerDelegate>>map:to:   is a nice display format, but I 
> stumble over how to narrate it.
> @11:23 My narration falls behind as the captions go too fast.
> @12:40 I used to take it for granted that building a string with a stream was 
> faster, but in [pharo-dev] someone showed this wasn't always the case.   It 
> is distraction to introduce this new concept and maybe clearer to newcomers 
> to just stick with one way to concatenate string using comma.  There is a lot 
> of silence (except for my damn laptop fan) as this method is built.  I think 
> it would be reasonable to paste in this text, particularly if it uses commas 
> for concatenation. 
> At the end, invite the listener to program it themselves, stepping slowly 
> through the video.  Provide download link again, or link to a web blog page 
> that describes the steps.
> I could do some work to space the video to align with my narration, but I 
> await your instructions.  There are also some periods with no captions that I 
> might be able to fill in something.
> cheers -ben

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