Le 01/12/2014 21:53, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :

I’m also concerned about that (32bits only). But we are already
working on a solution. (and libgit2 support is already there, thanks
to Max). as I said… our problem (not yours, but ours) is that we need
to keep pharo independent of installed tools. So… libgit2. Otherwise
I would be pushing gitfiletree a lot more loud :)

Yes. This is a strong point. I considered bundling a git along, to solve
issues like Stephan's. Bundling libgit2 is a bit similar, in a way.

Mind you. I do prefer the libgit2 + NativeBoost... but it was far too costly. And still not that portable (i.e. no git on the RaspberryPi, for example). And some of my internal arguments for libgit2 (being able to correctly propagate a Monticello merge into git) were wrong, but it took me time and the MergeDriver to understand why.


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