is there anybody


who knows both

Haskell and Smalltalk ?

Can Smalltalk benefit from

functional ideas


Haskell's ideas about



Function composition      and

the State and IO Monads ?

I like the way Haskell is now based on

Category Theory

which is the mathematics of

function composition .

Haskell was not always thus

it had a

pre Category Theory

epoch .

which apparently

was a UM or

Ugly Mess .

Can these ideas be applied to


And would it be good?

Can Smalltalk have a way of making a


that has an


and is statically typed inside

using a Haskell like type system?

On Saturday, August 1, 2015, Kjell Godo <> wrote:

> On Monday, July 6, 2015, Eliot Miranda <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hi Kjell,
>> On Jul 6, 2015, at 6:16 AM, Kjell Godo <> wrote:
>> Thank you for the detailed reply Andreas
>> Are there any Smalltalk packages implementing
>> Category Theory based
>> functional programming constructs
>> for function composition like
>> functors , applicatives , monads , arrows , etc ?
>> Do people have opinions about whether or not
>> these plus immutable data structures would be good for managing state
>> in Smalltalk like they do it in Haskell etc?  i know that monads are not
>> built
>> into Haskell but are implemented as addons via Haskell packages.
>> My Haskell friend said all you need to do functional programming is
>> first class functions
>> which Smalltalk Block contexts almost are except they lack their own
>> stack?
>> if you wrap a Block in a Function Object do you then get the stack
>> effect so you can essentially call the Block recursively?
>> The Pharo & Squeak dialects, along with most others, now have closures,
>> so blocks are fully recursive.
>> i have been wondering about taking a crack at implementing these
>> in Smalltalk and i wonder if it would be
>> theoretically possible
>> to speed them up by inlining them via the Smalltalk compiler
>> The compiler already inlines closures in a few key control messages such
>> as ifTrue: whileTrue: and:.
>> I recommend spending some time reading the code for the core execution
>> classes and the compiler, and running examples  interactively to learn how
>> the system works.  It's a fun process and well supported by the tools.
>> Remember that the debugger includes a meta circular interpreter for
>> executing the system's bytecode, and that the compiler compiles source to
>> bytecode in the firm of CompiledMethod instances you can inspect, decompile
>> and list their bytecode.
>> All the questions you have above you can answer for yourself by running
>> examples and using the tools to observe what happens.  This is a route to
>> mastering the system; IMNERHO the best.
> is there any tutorial?
> how do i do this?
>> Thank you
>> Eliot (phone)
>> On Saturday, November 8, 2014, Andreas Wacknitz <>
>> wrote:
>>> Am 07.11.2014 um 16:51 schrieb Kjell Godo <>:
>>> This is off topic.
>>> I tried to post it as a top level thread but I have become unknown.
>>> Why do you expect that? Many people here are using Smalltalk for years.
>>> Just because you have been silent for some time doesn’t mean everybody
>>> will forget about you :)
>>> I don't know if you want this crap in here but I have decided not to
>>> wait for the
>>> postmaster to get back to me on the subject of becoming known.  Feel
>>> free.
>>> ( Original-SUBJECT:     "( picoVerse-:( what about state , is state
>>> really evil? ) )"       )
>>> I am a Smalltalker.
>>> But in the past few months i have been running with the Haskellers.
>>> The Haskellers hate state.
>>> This seemed strange at first because as a Smalltalker i love(d) state.
>>> State iswas my friend.
>>> 90% of my life as a Smalltalker is state wrangling.  I am a state
>>> herder.
>>> The debugger is my staff I use to whack the state.  And TestCase is my
>>> sheep dog.
>>> But to the Haskellers
>>> state is
>>> the evil trinity
>>> of
>>> satan the anti christ and the false prophet
>>> all rolled into one.
>>> State is the true dev incarnation of the total catastrophe of
>>> development Armageddon.
>>> Blood up to the bridles for hundreds of miles.  Dogs and cats living
>>> together.  Mass hysteria.
>>> They say.
>>> I'm not sure i quite get it yet but they keep preaching on this one
>>> point most of all.
>>> State is evil.
>>> You must keep all state in a Monad.  As many methods/functions m as
>>> possible
>>> must be 100% dependent on the input parameters ONLY.
>>> No hidden instance variables affecting the return value of m are allowed.
>>> The only effect m can have is to return a value.
>>> If all this is true then m is pure.
>>> And pure is good.   Pure is very good.  And the wind says
>>> very.
>>> So i wonder if any of you fellow
>>> Smalltalkers
>>> have thought about this at all.
>>> First, there are no good definitions of what is an object oriented
>>> language and what is a functional language.
>>> Thus, languages like C++, C#, Java are being considered object oriented.
>>> But their object orientation is not the same like Smalltalk’s.
>>> The same problem exists in the functional language world: Some consider
>>> LISP being functional, some deny that.
>>> Second, for some years I am constantly seeking for „the best“ language
>>> to solve my problems in. Alas I wasn’t successful yet and don’t expect
>>> to be successful in the future. Every programming paradigm has its
>>> strengths and weaknesses when it comes to real world problems.
>>> So in my eyes it is best to know the different programming paradigms and
>>> its representative languages in order to be able to choose the
>>> best fitting language for your problem at hand.
>>> Third, there have been many attempts to create multi-paradigm languages
>>> (like C++, C#, Java, Scala, …). The idea behind is simple: combine
>>> the best characteristics. In my eyes all of them failed because what
>>> always have been created is Frankenstein’s monster. When you combine
>>> paradigms you will may get some advantages of all but sure you will get
>>> a lot of additional complexity.
>>> Fourth, it has been said many times before: What makes Smalltalk so nice
>>> is not only the language. It’s the whole system: the language, duck typing,
>>> the image (object world), the tools, the VM, the simplicity, the
>>> elegance, … And last but not least the communities around.
>>> Regards
>>> Andreas
>>> PS: If you are interested in functional programming and don’t like
>>> static typing you should have a look at Clojure. It has some nice ideas
>>> about
>>> how to deal with state concurrently.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kjell E Godø
>>> (((((((((( Maybe Smalltalk should be called Statewalk
>>> as in yak it up fuzz ball. ))))))))))

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