2015-08-19 11:59 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:

> On 19 Aug 2015, at 11:50, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 Aug 2015, at 11:44, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> <Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 11.10.41.png>
>> … but arriving to it is not so easy.
>> In conclusion: We are doing some right steps. It is not finished, but we
>> are not going to go back to older way :)
> Hi Esteban,
> My opinion is that you're still tied a lot to the Smalltalk 80's way...
> Which is good: someone coming from 1980 would be able to use Nautilus ;)
> My critics on that design: the tabs are nice and certainly help see that a
> class has a class side. Overall look is more up to date. Tabs headers,
> scroll bars, etc... take far too much space: work area (the code area) is
> 39% of overall window size, and 68% counting in the context (package,
> class, protocol and method) (Numbers are worse on a small window, of
> course, but I guess some do work on small screens).
> It will be nice to see simpler / cleaner Nautilus code coming along :)
> yes, of course you are right :)
> the GTools guys are working in a complete replacement, and I’m sure it
> will be a lot better… but we will always need a backdoor… and I would like
> to have a good browser even as a backdoor.
> Agreed for the need for a simple, safe browser just in case (developping a
browser in a. I'm certainly looking forward for the ideas

> (also, our philosophy is incremental: we improve what we have while we
> wait for the break-thru improvements)
> Esteban
> ps: for me the “code area” is not equivalent to the “work area”: I spend
> much more time understanding a problem than coding it, and for that a view
> of the method *in the context* is better)
> for example: I try your alt browser time to time, because I find it has
> some good ideas.
> But since my workflow is usually: I dig a package, then I see the classes
> inside and try to figure out how they work together, then I read the
> comments, try to find examples, tests… then I finally go to the method
> level, and even that often with an eye into the class it belongs and even
> the package… so the AltBrowser is useless for me… it is really not
> confortable for me to use… and yes, it has a bigger code area, but that is
> not really relevant (for me).
> … and the traditional browser adapts a lot better to that way of doing.
> Now… real question is: I work that way because fits better my mind-model
> or my mind-model fits what the browser provides me? well, who knows… but
> back in my java days I also was using the “java browsing perspective” of
> Eclipse, who resembles a Smalltalk browser.
> Esteban
> Thierry

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