
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Skip Lentz <skip.le...@inria.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> Right now, when you add or remove a protocol to a class you get two
> announcements (ignoring methods that may have been removed):
> 1. Protocol{Added,Removed}
> 2. ClassReorganized.
> But when you rename a protocol, you get just ClassReorganized (again,
> ignoring the method recategorizations).
> From this announcement, you only have access to the new class. So there is
> no way to tell the change.
> To resolve this, I think a ProtocolRenamed announcement should be added,
> just like there is a CategoryRenamed announcement.

I think it makes sense, and it is harmless (I mean, shouldn't break


> This way Epicea can also log this, which it currently does not do. It logs
> the recategorizations of the methods in the protocol, but not
> the rename of the protocol. So as far as we can tell from the log, we
> can’t see if the renamed protocol still exists or not.
> Please share your thoughts,
> Skip

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