2015-09-16 11:05 GMT+02:00 Skip Lentz <skip.le...@inria.fr>:


> One more thing. I hope that when renaming the protocol, the relevant
> MethodRecategorized are sent, because many things depend on that one.
> Yes, those are already sent. ProtocolRenamed, if implemented, should be
> announced in addition to those.
> I need to check AltBrowser behavior on this one. Renaming a protocol is
> not what I expected. It looks harmless, but it has important consequences
> if the protocol is an extension or an override.
> Alright, let me know.

I think you can go forward. If the MethodRecategorized is sent, then it
should be OK.

>> Thanks for your reply :)
>> PS: There’s something else related to System-Announcements, namely that
>> when I rename a category I get no CategoryRenamed announcement.
>> I will send an e-mail about that later.
> Hum, SystemOrganizer>>#renameCategory:toBe: sends it (in Pharo4).
> Indeed it does, but RPackageTag>>#renameTo:category: suspends the
> SystemAnnouncer while it sends SystemOrganizer>>#renameCategory:toBe:.
> I don’t know why, I’m interested to know. Because
> RPackageTag>>#renameTo:category: is used when you rename a category (in
> Nautilus, at least).

I would heed Esteban advice on that. If the system announcer is suspended,
then this is probably because we may have some kind of infinite loop and /
or a incoherent state while renaming the system category.

I'll have a look too.


> Skip

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