2015-10-01 6:33 GMT+02:00 Jan Vrany <jan.vr...@fit.cvut.cz>:

> On Mon, 2015-09-28 at 16:48 -0700, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> > The big issue for git and windows (in general) is that there is a 255
> > character limit on the paths for files .... I recently pruned some
> > file names for Metacello (on a win-hack branch) just to get Metacello
> > to work with filetree ..
> The limit is actually 260 characters. Not that it helps much :-)
> However, there's a way (well, hack) to overcome this limit
> using special UNC pathnames like
> \\?\C:\very\long\path\here or \\?\UNC\server\share\very\long\path.

This hack is now implemented in the latest squeak and pharo vm.

> The "only" issue is that not all tools in the chain are using
> this hack...
> Jan

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