2016-08-09 18:12 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:

> Hi,
> >
> > Hey Doru,
> > about what "two issues" are we talking? My only issue for now is,
> > what shortcut shold we use for moving the cursor forward/backward word.
> Even if we introduce a new layer, at some point in time you need to
> > define: If  the user types the CTRL+LEFT -key, even if we call it
> differently, some action happens, dive-out or move-backward-word ?
> > At the moment (on windows) you can use both to move word-by-word:
> > ctrl+left/right and alt+left/right, because this is how it is defined in
> rubrics action/cmdaction map.
> >
> > If we want to clean this up and use the kmdispatcher registration, I
> think we don't want to use both ctr and alt again, right?
> > So, someone has to take the decision.
> > I myself would prefer
> > ctrl+left/right because this is what (all) many other programs are using
> on windows. Fine. But recently Spotter changed its
> > dive in / dive out shortcut to use ctrl+left/right.
> > Therefor I am asking you, why, and whether we want to keep it or not. If
> we want to keep it, we may
> > - just overwrite the binding for the textfield -> not good, I think, you
> wouldn't be able to do word-by-word movements in the textfield anymore
> > - overwrite the binding and use another binding for word-by-word moving,
> but just in spotters text field
> > Or we revert that change and use the old shortcuts again.
> > (And what to use for mac and linux?)
> >
> > but I am getting really tired of asking, and will do something else
> instead.
> The short answer: we will override the keybinding in the text morph for
> now. This will mean that we cannot move word by word in the text field
> using #control, but it will be consistent with all other platforms. Could
> you open an issue for this, please?
consistens on all platforms may not be the expectation for all users. Some
users only working on a windows platform may want to have consistent
behavior for all tools (applications).

> On top of that, we will externalize all GTSpotter shortcuts through
> settings:
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18455/Spotter-shortcuts-
> should-be-externalized-as-settings

I really don't know why that. We don't need a way to make Spotter shortcuts
configurable, but *all* shortcuts.
That is why I try to move all shortcut definitions to the kmdispatcher, but
it yet again took 2 month just to discuss what shortcut to use for cursor

> Long answer: As explained before, the shortcut changed in the process of
> making all shortcuts uniform when Guille introduced #meta instead of
> #command (like it was before). The thing is that currently:
> - #command means #alt on Win and #command on Mac, and
> - #meta means #control on Win and #command on Mac.
> But, #command should be a low level key, not a portable one. It should not
> have a meaning on Windows, because the key does not exist on that platform.
> Moving to make keybindings uniform is a good thing, but only having #meta
> is not enough for situation like the one you mention. That is why I am
> proposing to introduce a #secondaryMeta as a platform-independent modifier
> that would mean #alt on Win and #control on Mac. We could use that one more
> consistently. Is this a better explanation?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Presenting is storytelling."

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