+ 1

This is on my todo  :)

Le 13/10/16 à 20:37, Tudor Girba a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

Great work!

I will test it again. I kindly ask everyone else to follow the call and test 
this release. Ideally, create a repository on GitHub and play with it.

It is important to get this piece as stable as possible to make Git part of the 
default Pharo experience.


On Oct 13, 2016, at 2:25 PM, Nicolas Passerini <npasser...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, we are releasing a new version of Iceberg, with several new features and 
bugfixes. I would't yet say that is 100% production ready, but it is close, so 
I want to invite you to test it and provide feedback.

You can install it by doing:

Metacello new
   baseline: 'Iceberg';
   repository: 'github://npasserini/iceberg';

More installation instructions and documentation can be found at 

Some of the new features in this version are:
- Allow to commit several packages together in the same commit.
- Show diffs for incoming and outgoing commits (i.e. before push/pull you can 
browse the difference between the remote and the local versions).
- New History view allows to see any commit in any branch and compare it to the 
current loaded version.
- Better support for interacting code loaded outside Iceberg (smaltalkhub, 
filetree, gitfiletree, etc).
- From the diff view, revert changes or browse them (i.e. open a Nautilus on 
the changed class/method).
- Automatically update presentations on code / repository changes.
- Integration with Metacello, i.e. after installing Iceberg you do something 

Metacello new

baseline: 'TaskIt'
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/taskit'

(By default) it will be loaded using iceberg (there is a setting to avoid it if 
you prefer traditional behavior.

- Improved handling of git errors.
- Improved performance for several operations.
- Improved documentation.
- ... and several bug fixes and other minor improvements (please look at 
https://github.com/npasserini/iceberg/milestone/7?closed=1 for more details).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts.

"Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."

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