2016-11-07 10:37 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:

> NativeStructure
>    subclass : #SDL_Point
>    layout : StructureLayout
>    slots: { #x &=> #int. #y &=> #int}
> ...
> (I got example of Ronie definition from his paper https://hal.inria.fr/
> hal-01353884/document).
> So all offsets logic will go to one place StructureLayout and slots. And
> also we will not forced to use accessors anymore.

I like this idea.
But one question, would it be backwards compatible? (I mean, if I have
current FFI invocations that use a structure in the traditional way, will I
have to change all these functions if I try to migrate to this new idea?)

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