Hi Stef,

On 2 February 2018 at 20:58, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Then I do not get why / is expecting a string and cannot accept a path.
> Then I do not get why we have paths.
> Stef

Paths are intended to be internal, and not something you ever deal
with directly.

I'm not sure I understand what you want to do, but maybe try replacing
#/ with #resolve:, e.g.:

'/home' asFileReference resolve: 'user' asFileReference
" File @ /home/user"


'/home' asFileReference resolve: 'user' asFileReference path
" File @ /home/user"


> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 8:22 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> HI
>> I have the following scenario:
>> '/Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/MyBooks/Bk-Writing/PharoBooks/Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo/_result'
>> asFileReference /
>> 'book.pillar'
>>  "File @ 
>> /Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/MyBooks/Bk-Writing/PharoBooks/Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo/_result/book.pillar"
>> ok it works.
>> I want to update the contents of a target folder only if a file is
>> missing or too old compared to a source.
>> The idea is that I have a target folder and I need to know if a file
>> located in the source tree should be copied under the target.
>> So I compute the difference from the root of the source to the file
>> and I want to apply this path to the target to check some file
>> properties.
>> now I do not understand how I can get the following working:
>> '/Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/MyBooks/Bk-Writing/PharoBooks/Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo/_result'
>> asFileReference
>> /
>> ('/Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/MyBooks/Bk-Writing/PharoBooks/Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo/book.pillar'
>> asFileReference path)
>>  relativeTo: 
>> ('/Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/MyBooks/Bk-Writing/PharoBooks/Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo'
>> asFileReference path)
>> Stef

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