On 20/04/2018 14:42, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
> Hi Stef,

>> Do you think that editing STON is easier than a class? I think that we
>> should have a button.
>> Look people do not care about posting their project into the repo.
>> May be we need a crawler?

> That's why I try to do with PI https://github.com/hernanmd/pi
> It's 100% command-line, which I know smalltalkers don't love.
> However after working with Python, R, Perl, etc. I saw the world
> expects a pretty standard package installation pattern.


> I feel (outsider) people really don't care if there is a Catalog,
> StHub, PepeHub.

We have the right (and probably the reasons) to do things "our way", but
it shouldn't surprise us if outsiders and newcomers reject that way
because it feels weird, even if is better than what they're used to.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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