FWIW, I created a new #stable version 2.9.3 that includes a newer 
Zinc-FileSystem-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16 - maybe this helps.

Name: Zinc-FileSystem-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 11 July 2018, 4:30:36.923152 pm
UUID: 830fbcd3-1b2d-0d00-bd45-164704867404
Ancestors: Zinc-FileSystem-SvenVanCaekenberghe.15

Force an update (class comment changed)

> On 10 Jul 2018, at 09:17, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10 Jul 2018, at 8:48, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>> Max,
>> thanks for taking the effort.
> No worries.
>>> Am 10.07.2018 um 08:37 schrieb Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com>:
>>> I did my best to reproduce the issue but didn't have any luck. I really 
>>> need access to a Linux VM to debug this. So I'm praying that Apple fixes 
>>> the access restrictions to kernel extensions in their next beta...
>>> BTW, Metacello uses ZnClient, which uses ZnFileSystemUtils, so there is 
>>> indeed a chance that something goes wrong during download of the zip 
>>> archive and that something may be tied to a difference in the versions of 
>>> Zinc (although I still think that's unlikely).
>> Yes there is potential but I don‘t see it. I take a fresh 6.1 image and load 
>> my project into. I‘m not sure but I think zinc 2.9.2 is loaded rather early 
>> in that process. So I wonder why it does not go wrong in the first phase. 
>> And also not if I load the test group within the first phase.
>> It must be either the second Metacello invocation or the stopping, copying 
>> and starting of the image.
>> I try to isolate this case more and provide a script that goes wrong on my 
>> machine. But it will take some time because I needed to stop trying to solve 
>> this as I wasted nearly two days on that already.
> Let me know once you have something and I'll try to help out.
>> Norbert
>>> Max
>>> On 9 Jul 2018, at 19:43, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>>>> Am 09.07.2018 um 19:10 schrieb Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I checked the Parasol Archive and it does not appear to be in Zip64 format 
>>>> (Metacello uses ZipArchive which can't cope with Zip64 but ZipArchive can 
>>>> read the Parasol zip). So my next guess is that there's either a problem 
>>>> with Metacello or Pharo in the way that ZipArchive is used (e.g. 
>>>> endianness problem or non-binary stream data). It would therefore be 
>>>> helpful to find out what happens in ZipArchive>>readFrom:, i.e. what kind 
>>>> of stream is passed / opened, is it binary, does the file exist and is it 
>>>> still the correct file.
>>> I couldn’t see anything obvious. The file in the debug message exists, it 
>>> is a readable zip file. The way Metacello uses it it is a 
>>> StandardFileStream. It switches it to binary in the code.
>>> But the only difference between a working and non-working build is the 
>>> upgrade to zinc 2.9.2.
>>> Norbert
>>>> I'd debug it myself but I can't run VirtualBox at the moment because I'm 
>>>> on the macOS beta and it won't start...
>>>> Max
>>>> On 9 Jul 2018, at 18:31, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>>>> Hi Max,
>>>>> Am 09.07.2018 um 18:18 schrieb Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Norbert,
>>>>> This is a bit of a guess, but it's possible that the archive that is 
>>>>> downloaded from github is in Zip64 format and that the libraries for 
>>>>> extracting Zip64 are missing on your Linux. That would of course 
>>>>> contradict the experience that the same operation appears to work in 6.1.
>>>> to be honest I don’t know what Zip64 format is. I thought the Zip classes 
>>>> are pure smalltalk for unpacking.
>>>>> Try extracting the archive manually on your Linux machine with the same 
>>>>> method that Metacello uses (I assume, Metacello uses the ZipPlugin, which 
>>>>> will probably use the system libraries).
>>>> I have no ZipPlugin as library in any of my vms.
>>>> But there are zips downloaded and unpacked. I start the image the first 
>>>> time loading all the code of my project. Then it is saved, copied to a new 
>>>> name and reopened to load the tests and then it fails. I did try to load 
>>>> the tests in the first run and then it works.
>>>> I’m running out of ideas
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Norbert
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Max
>>>>> On 9 Jul 2018, at 17:14, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>>>>> With the help of Esteban I got one step further. If I do
>>>>> MCWorkingCopy
>>>>>        managersForClass: ZnFileSystemUtils
>>>>>        do: [ :each | each ancestry initialize ]
>>>>> before loading my project it updates Zinc-FileSystem as well. Sadly it 
>>>>> still does not work for me because I get
>>>>> Loading baseline of BaselineOfMobilityMap...
>>>>> ...RETRY->BaselineOfParasol
>>>>> ...RETRY->BaselineOfParasolError: can't find EOCD position
>>>>> and I don’t know why. zip file is downloaded from github and present but 
>>>>> it fails and only on my jenkins on linux. On my Mac this works.
>>>>> I try a few things but then I’m back on pharo6.1 for the time being :(
>>>>> Norbert
>>>>>> Am 07.07.2018 um 13:28 schrieb Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name>:
>>>>>> Really? I thought the same but then I didn’t believe it works like that.
>>>>>> Anyway this would be very easy to solve. We just need to ask Sven if he 
>>>>>> is fine with doing an empty .16 version for Zinc-FileSystem and does an 
>>>>>> in-place version reset of 2.9.2 or a new 2.9.3. I’m not fully convinced 
>>>>>> that will solve it but the cost won’t be very high.
>>>>>> Norbert
>>>>>>>> Am 07.07.2018 um 13:22 schrieb Cyril Ferlicot 
>>>>>>>> <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Need to investigate more. There are two .15 versions but there is 1 
>>>>>>>> year in between (if you didn’t notice TheIntegratior.15 is from 2017). 
>>>>>>>> Just want to have more context information because I can only see that 
>>>>>>>> this is strange but lacking insight.
>>>>>>>> I’m trying to figure out why it does not update Zinc-FileSystem. No 
>>>>>>>> matter what I do I cannot get Metacello to load the newer package. 
>>>>>>>> That would fix the issue because I’m loading 2.9.2 which should have 
>>>>>>>> Zinc-FileSystem-SVC.15 and not stay on the one included in the image.
>>>>>>>> I think this is important for everyone that has a product based on 6.1 
>>>>>>>> and that want to migrate someday to pharo7. This way it is impossible 
>>>>>>>> to do it step by step.
>>>>>>> If there is a package .15 in the image and a package .15 in the repo, I 
>>>>>>> think Metacello will not update because it rely on the numbers to know 
>>>>>>> when to update. If it find a .15 and currently have a .15 I think 
>>>>>>> Metacello will think they are at the same version.
>>>>>>>> Norbert
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Cyril Ferlicot
>>>>>>> https://ferlicot.fr

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