
Why not use some kind of remote smalltalk like

2014-10-07 3:10 GMT+04:00 Alain Rastoul <alf.mmm....@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I played a bit with ZnServer and other zinc components and have
> a question I can't answer myself (googling a bit didn't help neither),
> and I'm seeking for advice: does it makes sense to use a
> ZnServer/ZnWebSocket
> as a mechanism to transfer data between two pharo processes - in my case
> 8k ByteArray blocks ?
> Or is it a total non sense ? is it reliable ?
> First tests looks good : 18k blocks / second (145 Mb/s) on a laptop
>  core i5 2.6Ghz.
> All comments and suggestions welcome
> Thanks in advance,
> Alain

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