Exactly, for this part it's all about bytes on a wire :) : just
sending/receiving serialized objects over a stream socket:
consumers will be pulling data from producers
in a synchronous way.
I could use a simple stream socket for that, but I want
to wrap data in messages to keep control over that part
and probably add buffering at some layers.

There will be  no method invocations, just some control/monitor
process from outside.

Never heard about Squeak ELib but very interesting,
thank you Pierce!

Le 11/10/2014 03:21, Pierce Ng a écrit :
Whether using Zinc's websockets or some C library wrapper, you are still
slinging serialized Smalltalk objects ie plain old bytes over the wire, no?

I am guessing that RST provides synchronous remote method invocation. I recall
there was a remote messaging prototype/concept based on promises developed in
Squeak... ah, Squeak-Elib, here: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6011.

Is your current use case mostly synchronous or asynchronous?


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