

Out of curiosity I tried to run the snippet which Alexandre Bergel posted
yesterday under the name 'Script of the day'. It failed, but nothing to do
with the script itself. The problem is that it fails on the line:
'FileLocator documents allChildren.' The debugger message is "Directory does
not exist: Path 'C:' /  'Users' / 'Peter' / 'Documents' / 'My Music'."
Tracing through the debugger output, I conclude that the same error will
arise with the directories 'My Pictures' and 'My Videos'. One thing these
directories have in common is that they are empty, so as a test I copied a
small text file into 'My Music', but this made no difference.


I have a vague recollection that 'My Music' etc., although presented by
Windows as conventional directories, are in fact some sort of
pseudo-directories constructed as required by Windows Explorer, but I am not
too sure about this. Could this be an explanation of the problem?


It's not an urgent problem for me; it can easily be worked round by ensuring
that I never try to locate files in these directories. But if it is a bug,
it might be relevant to someone else.


My environment is Windows 7 Professional, running Moose 5.1 (Pharo4.0 Latest
update: #40613).


Thanks for any help


Peter Kenny

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