Actually these folders seems to be real folders to windows but you can’t access 
them (maybe you have not enough rights?).

Anyway, it should be possible to bypass these directories.
In DiskStore>>basicEntry:path:nodesDo: there is a send of the message 
signalDirectoryDoesNotExist:. It signals a DirectoryDoesNotExist error.
This exception is resumable. If you resume it you should bypass the access to 
the “bad folder”.
That not the case, so there is a bug. (a ^is missing before self 
signalDirectoryDoesNotExist: aPath).

I opened a bug:
 and made a slice.

Vincent Blondeau

De : Pharo-users [] De la part de 
Envoyé : jeudi 30 juillet 2015 12:32
À : 'Any question about pharo is welcome'
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] FileLocator problem?

Thanks Craig and Matthieu. However, we can now reformulate the problem: 
‘FileLocator documents allChildren’ does not trace the hierarchy of these 
directories correctly. It finds its way to C:\Users\Peter\Documents, searches 
for subdirectories and finds ‘My Music’ etc. among the true subdirectories. It 
seems that the Pharo mechanism for interrogating the Windows file system is 
confused by these aliases. As I said, not a great problem for me, but maybe 
worth noting.

Peter Kenny

From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Matthieu Lacaton
Sent: 30 July 2015 11:16
To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] FileLocator problem?

Windows 7 uses "aliases" for these directories. It is the way different 
languages or owners are handled. For example in French you can see your music 
directory as "Ma Musique" but the real name used in paths is actually "Music".

As Craig said, the default paths for these directories are : 
"C:\Users\Your_User_Name\Documents" or "C:\Users\Your_User_Name\Music" and so 
But you can always change them so the best way to see the real path of your 
directories is to right click on one and go to "Properties" => "Location".
Note also that Windows uses "\" instead of "/" for paths. I don't know if it is 
relevant in Pharo though.

2015-07-30 11:43 GMT+02:00 PBKResearch 

Out of curiosity I tried to run the snippet which Alexandre Bergel posted 
yesterday under the name ‘Script of the day’. It failed, but nothing to do with 
the script itself. The problem is that it fails on the line: ‘FileLocator 
documents allChildren.’ The debugger message is “Directory does not exist: Path 
‘C:’ /  ‘Users’ / ‘Peter’ / ‘Documents’ / ‘My Music’.” Tracing through the 
debugger output, I conclude that the same error will arise with the directories 
‘My Pictures’ and ‘My Videos’. One thing these directories have in common is 
that they are empty, so as a test I copied a small text file into ‘My Music’, 
but this made no difference.

I have a vague recollection that ‘My Music’ etc., although presented by Windows 
as conventional directories, are in fact some sort of pseudo-directories 
constructed as required by Windows Explorer, but I am not too sure about this. 
Could this be an explanation of the problem?

It’s not an urgent problem for me; it can easily be worked round by ensuring 
that I never try to locate files in these directories. But if it is a bug, it 
might be relevant to someone else.

My environment is Windows 7 Professional, running Moose 5.1 (Pharo4.0 Latest 
update: #40613).

Thanks for any help

Peter Kenny


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