bingo !!!

The problem is that there is so much hype about marketing thats easy to
miss the enormous fact that languages like C, C++, Java and Python are not
as popular as they are even with their big flaws without substance ,
without solving some serious problem that requires serious resources .
Foremosts those languages have been evolving for decades , take Python

and I am NOT talking the language itself I am talking the most popular
python implementation and the oldest , CPython, its 24 years.

Let me repeat this...

CPython IS  24 years OLD !!!!

There is none smalltalk implementation that I am aware of that has been
actively developed for so long even though smalltalk as a language is far
older than that.

Now imagine where Pharo will be in 24 years.... wow.... it blows my mind
just trying to imagine.

And by the way Python had ZERO marketing , ZERO!!!! Zero funds, zero ....
no money.... nada..... nothing

Just one dude working his ass off to make a great language for scripting C

So in the end its all hard work, as it should be .

So back to work improving Pharo :)

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 12:17 PM stepharo <> wrote:

> why don't you spend the time to write such mails into
>      - writing tutorial or
>      - just improving class comments of the well-known classs (such as
> set, dictionary, booleans, strings),
>      - create videos
> you would have already an impact.
> Now you are shouting in the desert and people will just put you on their
> black list.
> Stef

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