Welcome to our Pharo island :)

*gives a flower necklace*

My central ideology about Pharo is that it is a waste of potential to
remake libraries that exist in other languages unless we want to bring
something new or something more specific.

Thus its a very good idea to use C/C++ libraries and libraries made for
other programming languages from inside Pharo. I for instance use Python
libraries from inside Pharo.

What I have found is that pharo is excellent as a central nervous system ,
Brain + nerves , for an application. Because not only the language is
simple, but mostly because of live coding and ability of the IDE to deal
with complex code and isolate bugs.

Live coding is pretty much the bread and butter for us graphics programmers
(I use Pharo together with Unreal and Blender) because it allows us to test
things on the fly without having to worry about compile times or syntax
errors or crashes or whatever can interrupt us from "being in the zone".
Pharo is without exaggeration the best live coding language out there by
very far from others except Lisp which is the basis of Smalltalk and where
we have borrowed many ideas.

So, my preference in this case would have been to use OpenCL from Pharo via
the UFFI. This way you have both the speed you need for heavy graphics
processing and all the cool stuff that Pharo has.

Whats the catch ?

Well you have to know C/C++ obviously and you have to know UFFI.

Once you understand UFFI you are practical unstopable and there will be
NOTHING you wont be able to do with Pharo.

I will upload a video tutorial for UFFI , I was looking for an interesting
example and I think the webcam case you presented via OpenCL is perfect. It
will be a long one, probably an hour or so , obviously because a lot have
to be presented and explained.

I cannot say exactly when I will upload it because lately life has been
hectic (family health issues -- nothing serious but several days in the
hospital) and I have no clue how OpenCL works (though I never shy from an
interesting challenge) but I hope to have the free time and motivation to
do it during this weekend.

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 2:07 AM dyfroedd <dyfro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm fairly new to SmallTalk and so impressed with the programming style as
> it helps me visually understand how the classes are interrelated etc.
> I would love to use SmallTalk (Squeak or Pharo) for some image processing.
> I
> can create my own processing methods and kernels but have had problems
> accessing the images from a  webcam. I have stumbled at this most basic
> step.   Can anyone help me (I am new to SmallTalk) to access a webcam on a
> mac please?
> I have read various intros into SmallTalk (Squeak and Pharo) but doing
> something really useful like basic image processing is still a hurdle for
> me
> in SmallTalk.
> Alternatively I can use C++ (and OpenCV) to access and process images and
> use smalltalk to build a GUI but that would defeat the purpose of me trying
> to use SmallTalk to begin with.
> I appreciate your help.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/webcam-images-for-image-processing-tp4928374.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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