
I think you MUST talk to Juan Vuletich (CCed) as he is doing satellites
image processing in Smalltalk.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 30/12/16 03:47, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>> What I have found is that pharo is excellent as a central nervous system
>> , Brain + nerves , for an application. Because not only the language is
>> simple, but mostly because of live coding and ability of the IDE to deal
>> with complex code and isolate bugs.
> I think that the Pharo approach could be something like the Cyborgs one of
> Star Trek. Attach to a preexisting substrate and extend it :-P. Seriously,
> having Pharo to talk better with the external non-Pharo/Smalltalk native
> technologies and ideas could help to bring this unpaired live coding
> experience to a lot of people: hacktivist, journalist, philosophers,
> musicians, and non-live coding programmers. My uses of this approach are
> trying to bridge Pharo with non-programmers cultures at our local
> hackerspace, and is giving very good outcomes.
>> Live coding is pretty much the bread and butter for us graphics
>> programmers (I use Pharo together with Unreal and Blender) because it
>> allows us to test things on the fly without having to worry about compile
>> times or syntax errors or crashes or whatever can interrupt us from "being
>> in the zone". Pharo is without exaggeration the best live coding language
>> out there by very far from others except Lisp which is the basis of
>> Smalltalk and where we have borrowed many ideas.
> I would add that live coding is the bread and butter of pretty much
> everyone who is making exploratory computing and prototyping in diverse
> fields, where you use computers to understand fuzzy problems.
> Cheers,
> Offray


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