Thank you Sven.

I have tried successfully the FileLibrary but I want to be able to modify the 
stylesheet without using Pharo which will be running on a remote server. Using 
static documents seemed the solution to me.

> On 28 Feb 2017, at 18:53, Dominique Dartois <> wrote:
> In the Seaside book, chapter 17.2 I read I can include a stylesheet this way :
> updateRoot: anHtmlRoot
>     super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot.
>     anHtmlRoot stylesheet url: ''
> On my development machine (macOS) I use http://localhost:8080/myApp as the 
> server address and I don?t know the root directory of the Seaside integrated 
> web server.
> Can anyone help me to find this directory?

The easiest way is to use a Seaside FileLibrary subclass to serve your static 
CSS file. This is described in that same chapter 17.

> Thanks.


Dominique Dartois

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