Hi Sabine,

this raises my interest. So you have two web servers listening to the same port, one being macOS X' built in web server (how did you activate/configure it?) and Seaside?

If I visit localhost:8080 on my mac (no pharo image or anything running), I get no answer, although there are files in /Library/WebServer/Documents (provided by Apple: index.html.en).


Am 08.03.17 um 08:15 schrieb Sabine Manaa:
Hi Dominique,

try to use
From your app
If you have your columlal.css
Is the web server root
This is the way I serve my static files


Paul DeBruicker [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4937845&i=0>> schrieb am Mi. 8. März 2017 um 05:07:

Oh sorry. I didn't edit my example above to your situation. Here try this:

    1.  Open the seaside control panel and stop then remove all the
    server adaptors.

    2.  Put your directories & files next to your image.  So put your
    'styles' folder next to your image.

    3.  From the world menu open a Transcript.

    4.  In a playground or workspace run:


    ZnZincStaticServerAdaptor startOn: 8080 andServeFilesFrom:
    FileSystem disk workingDirectory pathString.
    server:=ZnZincStaticServerAdaptor default server.
    server logToTranscript;
           debugMode: true.

    I think that will get you a Zinc server serving static files from
    the directory your image is in and will log everything to the
    transcript and open a debugger when there is an error.

        Dominique Dartois-4 wrote

        Hi Sabine.

        It does not seem working for me

        I have found this directory here
        "/Users/Dom/Documents/Library/WebServer/Documents" and I tried :

        updateRoot: anHtmlRoot
            super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot.
            anHtmlRoot stylesheet url:

        The style sheet is not found.

        I keep on trying.





        De : Pharo-users <[hidden email]
        <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4937841&i=0>> de la
        part de Sabine Manaa <[hidden email]

        Envoyé : mardi 7 mars 2017 10:08:33
        À : Any question about pharo is welcome
        Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Seaside : including a static

        Hi Dominique,

        for some cases I also use static files on my local machine,
        the root directory of the local machines web server is


        perhaps this is what you are looking for.


        2017-02-28 18:53 GMT+01:00 Dominique Dartois <[hidden email]
        email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4937841&i=3>>>:

        In the Seaside book, chapter 17.2 I read I can include a
        stylesheet this way :

        updateRoot: anHtmlRoot
            super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot.
            anHtmlRoot stylesheet url:

        On my development machine (macOS) I use
        http://localhost:8080/myApp as the server address and I don’t
        know the root directory of the Seaside integrated web server.

        Can anyone help me to find this directory?



        Dominique Dartois

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