> On 20 Dec 2017, at 19:51, Vitor Medina Cruz <vitormc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> How are packages versions computed in Iceberg? 
> I am looking at the Metacello documentation at 'Deep in Pharo', it says I can 
> define dependencies at package level and it uses the following format to 
> identify versions: <dev_name.versionNumber>; which I think is a pattern used 
> by Monticello, right? However, I can't figure what is the equivalent (if any) 
> in Iceberg. 
> Thanks in Advance,
> Vitor

Hi Vitor, 

Package versions do not have any sense on iceberg, where what has sense is the 
“project” version. All packages point to a commit in repo.  

This is to say, you do not load single package in iceberg but you load a 
repository version (which is the commit). 
That’s why you use Metacello expressions like this: 

Metacello new 
        repository: ‘github://someuser/someproject:sometag' 
        baseline: ‘Blah’;

and in your baselines, when you include another project you do 

        baseline: ‘Blah’
        with: [ spec repository: ‘github://someuser/someproject:sometag' 
<github://someuser/someproject:sometag'> ].


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