On 21/12/2017 14:43, Vitor Medina Cruz wrote:

> Now I got lost, I had understand that a ConfigurationOfXXX is my project
> definition and that Iceberg is just the Pharo VCS (in substitution of
> monticello). Iceberg is now my project? How do I configure my
> dependencies, groups and versions? The Metacello documentation in Deep
> in Pharo is deprecated for Iceberg?


There is two concepts to distinguish:
- Versionning
- Dependencies

Monticello is a VCS that does not manage versionning and dependencies.
So, you need to create a ConfigurationOfXX managing both dependencies
(via baselines) and versionning (via configurations).

Git is a VCS that manage the versionning of the project. (The equivalent
of a ConfigurationOf version in now the SHA of a commit or a tag/release
of git). So, you just need Metacello to manage the dependencies.

This is what BaselineOf do. You just manage the dependencies part and
not the versionning part that is already managed by git.

> cheers,
> Vitor

Cyril Ferlicot

2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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