> On 14 Mar 2018, at 19:02, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do we have any metrics on the number of visits we get on the pharo.org
> website, which parts are the most visited, etc?

Yes, we have Google Analytics installed… but I did not look at it for a long 
It is no that spectacular… 200-300 users per day.
But there is not much reason to visit it often, so a large part of that are 
real new visitors.

> The same regarding web downloads, and so on. I understand that CI can
> distort download count if using only access logs, but certainly if we
> count a download through the webpage as a "conversion" (and track it
> somehow) we would have a better idea how big this is becoming.

The new files.pharo.org <http://files.pharo.org/> keeps logs for one day… 

So for today: 17.98 GB transfer until now (not even half day), so around 25 to 
30GB per day.

But CI is really a lot… it is not only the CI of Pharo itself, but others, too. 

E.g. just the ZWEIDENKER Jenkins builds quite often… 

Tracking the real downloads would be a better way, yes.

What I would like to have is a way to count “currently running images”.
But I guess adding that by default (like all mobile apps now do) would not 
be wanted.. but one could add some config option.

I want that for the Zweidenker pharo images: right now it is easy to count by 
counting the
processes on the virtual beta-swarm and doubling (for production). But soon 
will scale up and beta down *and* there will be a alpha swarm… 

> But back to your point and as a bystander these days, it is very hard
> to be aware of everything that's going on in the Pharo world, and not
> because of the associated noise, because there is actually a lot of
> things going on. :)

It is interesting!


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