I got the problem gone wtih #newTable: by categorizing it, different random attempts were needed.

I still have problem with another method in the same class, named #openModal:

This one is an override, Nautilus says there is not such implementor but shows it! Calypso says the contrary and insists to show it as an extension and as well as belonging to a category, I can eventually change.

There are no such original mcz of this package, the problem occurred in the image while renaming one package, this class was already in this package. The exported mcz immediately got the problem. Three methods were originally categorized oddly (*DrGeoUI-Polymorph-Widgets) and it confused the system when the package was renamed, I cause packaging rename does not rename the extensions categories, so those methods get uncategorized.

To resolve the problem with this last one, I just copy method code, delete it and paste it as a new method.

I will have to review all the classes before the code re-organization to detect the places where scenarios occur.


Le 04/04/2018 à 01:40, Ben Coman a écrit :
I haven't used Calypso much yet, but #newTable: seems tagged an extension but its not clear which package it belongs to.
In Nautilus, what is the protocol of #newTable: ?

Do you have an original mcz file that loaded into a fresh image and exported immediately to Tonel shows the same behaviour? i.e. Is it reproducible to help someone debug, or does it seem to have been something that has arisen as you are editing or adding new methods?

cheers -ben

Dr. Geo

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