--- Begin Message ---
I do not know if it works on Pharo, but XTreams has a XTreams-Parsing section 
that I am currently working with. The existing Wikitext grammar was my starting 
point .


the existing Grammar is under:

XTreams-Parsing -> PEGParser > grammars->grammarWiki

Use case is:

| wikiGrammar wikiParser output|

Transcript clear.

wikiGrammar := PEGParser grammarWiki reading positioning.

wikiParser := PEGParser parserPEG parse: 'Grammar' stream: wikiGrammar actor: 
PEGParserParser new.

input := (your string input goes here)

output := wikiParser parse: 'Page' stream: input actor: PEGWikiGenerator new.

output inspect.


---- On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 13:51:31 -0400 Tim Mackinnon <mailto:tim@testit.works> 
wrote ----

Hi guys - do we have a simple markdown parser that is reasonably up to date? I 
did a quick GitHub scan and a few popped out, but I wasn’t convinced I had 
found one the “everyone” uses (albeit, everyone might be a small sample). 
Ideally I don’t want to get sucked into writing another one (a project for a 
future time). 

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