I'm not sure how many of you have ever given a phonograph as a gift.  I know 
not everyone in my family or circle of friends is interested, but I have 
given a VV-VI and a VV-IX in the past.  They were well received and are 
quite a conversation piece for the non-collector.

My aunt just celebrated her 75th birthday.  She is from NJ and her father 
worked for Victor/RCA.  Her husband, my uncle, ran a successful TV-radio 
repair store for many years until his passing 4 years ago.  She always 
admired my machines.  I decided to splurge and buy her a VV-IV for her 
birthday.  She loved it.  I picked up some records she would remember from 
her teen years to play on it -- Andrews Sisters, Bing Crosby and Frank 

I did this at the last minute so I had to buy what I could find.  It was a 
nice VV-IV (1920) in good working condition.  Only problem is the turntable. 
  It wobbles unacceptably.  The problem is the fitting between the T-shaped 
spindle connector and the platter itself -- it's loose.  It needs to be 
repaired or replaced.

Does anyone have a 10" pressed steel turntable platter for a VV-IV that they 
are willing to sell at a reasonable price?  It would be greatly appreciated.

Greg Caringi

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