This guy is totally off the wall ! The VI was not introduced until July of 
1913, not 1912. He even confuses his entire puff piece by referring to a V 
toward the end of his diatribe. It is a case of engaging in total exaggerations 
about this VI in order to find a sucker who will jump in and buy it for the 
Wacky "buy it now" price, he his asking. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "john robles " <john9ten@ pacbell .net> 
To: " phonolist " <phono-l@ oldcrank .org> 
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 2:57:14 AM 
Subject: [Phono-L] Amberola VI sales pitch 

This guy was quite a sales pitch on the Amberola VI he is selling at the 
following link. His dates are wrong, it is not the first table model Amberola 
(the Amberola V beat it by 4 months) and it has little in common with the 
Opera. Love hisline about "In fact, consider it a table model Opera"... 
Here's the link: http :// cgi . ebay .com/ ws / eBayISAPI . dll ? ViewItem 
John Robles 
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