Thanks, John. I voted for your crapophone review as "helpful".  I was not even 
aware that eBay had a Reviews section. Good work! Come to think of it, I don't 
think you used the word "crapophone" in your review. Haha!

Jim Nichol

On Mar 20, 2012, at 9:24 AM, john robles wrote:

> Hi Jim
> Here it is. It is a general primer for those on wBay who are interested in 
> phonographs, so it is a little basic, but it contains info about watching out 
> for Crapophones including the typical ways to tell what is real and what is 
> not. Here is the link to the article.
> John
> ________________________________
> From: Jim Nichol <>
> To: Antique Phonograph List <> 
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 11:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Stuck with a Crapophone
> What's the URL link to your article?
> Jim Nichol
> On Mar 20, 2012, at 1:46 AM, john robles wrote:
>> Someone urgently wrote me asking if this was a repro machine - turns out she 
>> was the high bidder on it. She had read my article on eBay about repro 
>> phonographs and took note of what iI said about the decal and was afraid it 
>> might be a repro. Based on that article and my response to her email, she 
>> canceled her transaction with the seller, and the seller will relist it.  I 
>> feel proud of having saved someone from the pitfall of buying a Crapophone, 
>> but I hope the seller will relist it as a repro. I did write to the seller 
>> and advise them of the fact, in a very polite manner, making the assumption 
>> that they did not know about it.
>> John Robles
>> ________________________________
>> From: john robles <>
>> To: Antique Phonograph List <> 
>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:54 PM
>> Subject: [Phono-L] Stuck with a Crapophone
>> Looks like someone got stuck with a crapophone on ebay for $910!!! The item 
>> number is 260977570310. The auction description says that the seller bought 
>> it at an auction to use on a built in bookcase, but it didn't fit so now 
>> they're selling it at a fraction of what they paid...Nowhere does it say 
>> that it is a repro, but the standard "I don't know anything about these 
>> machines" disclaimer appears. I find it doubtful because they call the 
>> machine a Victor Gramphone, not a phonograph or Victrola asothers so 
>> commonly do. Of corse the decal says "The Gramophone Company, so that's a 
>> good possibility...Someone asked a question about the date of the machin, 
>> and the seller says that someone "full of knowledge" said that these 
>> machines had been made for at least 30 years, so maybe that's the disclaimer 
>> that it is not a real antique, but if so it is a shady one. And of course 
>> they may not know what it is like they claim, but who buys something to put 
>> in a certain
>> place in their home without measuring first? Plus the description is typical 
>> of other items I have seen on ebay that are of questionable origin. Or the 
>> seller could be totally innocent!
>> John Robles
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